Monday, October 25, 2010

Only in Fort Worth

Only in Fort Worth would $200,000 be spent on a statue honoring an alleged horse thief.  Rumor has it that is how Ripley Arnold died, in a shootout against the man who was going to get him in lots of trouble for it.

Downtown Fort Worth Inc. has raised the money for it.  From WHO?  WHY? 

WHERE are Fort Worth's priorities?

Jim Lane, a recent appointee by Mayor Moncrief to the Ethics Committee and member of the Tarrant Regional Water District had the following to say in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram article:

This month, former Councilman Jim Lane also floated the idea of honoring Arnold with a statue. He wanted it to be down by the Trinity, where a lake would be built as part of the Trinity River Vision Project.

"That's all we needed," Lane said. "You can build a hell of a statue with the money they got. The problem will be depicting what he looks like and determining where to put it.

"We'll get together and have lots of cussing and discussing, but this is just a gift from above. We can get the rest of it done."

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