Monday, October 19, 2009

Say What?

If you don't play close attention to the daily newspaper, you might not realize the recent Trinity River Vision article was the Fort Worth Way of saying, consider it done.

Show of hands, WHO saw this was coming when the daily paper recently pointed out the Fort Worth Cats home, LaGrave field, financial problems could be "in the way" of the TRV? And some of you held out hope when for once, you agreed with Mr. Schnurman.

The problem is that the city doesn’t have any extra money. The only public entity with surplus funds is the water district. Its mission is to provide water and flood control, and its full-throated support of the Trinity River Vision is already pushing the limit.

It has to draw a line somewhere, and the minor-league stadium is the place.

We are glad someone draws a line with our money, somewhere.

Where does former councilman Jim Lane, draw the line? The Fort Worth Star-Telegram daily newspaper found out.

"We’re going to need that land for the Trinity River Vision Project," Lane said. "It can be bought now, and I just hate to see it go away. I challenge all of the political entities to make this happen now. We can buy it now, or someday it might be in the hands of foreign bankers and we could be forced to pay five, 10, 20 times or more than we would now."

The only one of those entities not facing a financial crunch is the water district.

Doesn't your water bill continue to rise? Do your neighborhoods continue to flood?

Seems like there is a better use for our money.

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