Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Letter to the Editor in today's local paper. Sorry Mr.Huff, looks like it will be awhile.

Once upon a time, not in the too distant past, it was easy to be proud to say, "I’m from Fort Worth." Now, not so much.

We have City Council members going all over the place at city expense, closing city swimming pools next year, ending the best program the city ever came up with in the Day Labor Center and throwing people out of work. At the same time, all or most of the City Council could afford to pay their own expenses if they want to see foreign places, the people who used the swimming pools will have no place to go, there is no one place to look for a job and our fine mayor rides around in a fine car he doesn’t own or drive.

Where do we end up? How long will it be before we can once again say, "I’m from Fort Worth and proud of it"?

— Edwin Huff, Morgan

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