Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Split Estate: Together We Bargain, Divided We Beg
Please consider joining with us to make a healthy difference in our neighborhoods and for your children's future.
Split Estate
Sounds like a plan...

What's the plan for the Water issues facing Tarrant County?
Spend money on an ad campaign asking people to conserve water. Take property in another part of Texas, by eminent domain. Sue Oklahoma. Oh and don't forget - ignore flooding.
We pay the Tarrant Regional Water Board director almost $300,0000 a year for this?? How long have the Board members been in place? You guessed it, too long.
Read about the "plans" in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Read more about the folks fighting for their property and water - Marvin Nichols. Seems average folks stepping up everywhere to protect what's right. Too bad they don't represent us...YET.
Our plan - VOTE for Adrian Murray and John Basham May 8th!
Too broke to meet?
Fort Worth City Council meeting cancelled. Yes, cancelled.
Read about it in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Read about it in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
City Council,
Fort Worth Way
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thank you?

Are we suppose to thank Kay Granger for honoring a one-year earmark moratorium?
The same Congresswoman WHO sits on the Appropriations committee?
The same Congresswoman that hired her son to run the Billion dollar boondoggle while in other areas of her district flooding runs rampant and funds do not?
The Billion dollar Boondoggle being disguised as flood control? Remember if you don't take the levees down, you don't have flooding. And all those areas that flood now...they will do so if the Boondoggle ever gets done.
Wonder where the bad image of earmarks came from? Ask.
Read the Fort Worth Star-Telegram for the story.
But with Granger and the rest of the Tarrant delegation honoring the freeze, the question is, Who will carry the water for such projects as Trinity River Vision, Fort Worth's $909 million economic development and flood control project? The project is in Granger's district, and she has been its chief proponent in Congress.
Edwards, who in the past has co-sponsored funding for Central City/Trinity Uptown -- as the Army Corps of Engineers' part of the project is known -- with Granger, did not include any funding for it in his earmarks for fiscal 2011.
Kay Granger,
Trinity River Vision,
Trinity Uptown
People Talk
And people are listening.
Two excellent letters in the Fort Worth Business Press today. We'll give you a preview of each of them, go here to read both.
Why hasn’t the council demanded the gas industry use its own product, compressed natural gas, to fuel compressors and vehicles? Why hasn’t the council imposed use fees on the thousands of heavily-laden trucks plying our city streets on a daily basis? As the roads continue to deteriorate, will the council add another surcharge to the water bill and make the residents pay for council negligence?
Probably, and because of council’s disdain for public input, Rogers should not hold her breath – either for clean air or responsible government.
The aim of the eminent-domaining earmarkers is to cover the confluence with a detritus-filled 33-acre town lake, an unsavory olla podrida of pollutants, excrement, sewage, garbage, oil and grease, fertilizer, mercury and myriad other chemicals, dangerous PCBs, known and unknown carcinogens, and other flotsam and jetsam that washes down from a hundred miles upstream – a rancid, malodorous pond in which no Streams and Valleys Mayfester or knowing tourist would wade or swim, and whose bottom-dwelling catfish you would not eat. Tourist? Perhaps a lawsuit waiting to be filed? It happens.
One of the letters above came from Mr. Woodard. We saw some Cheers in the Fort Worth Star- Telegram this weekend, one because of him and one from him. Both too good to pass up. Cheers, Don, carry on sir!
Cheers: To Don Woodard, whose letters are always a delight to read. I can usually pick his out even before getting to the name at the end. Although I am sure there are those who do not appreciate his opinion, he always tells it as it is!
-- C.S. Morford, Fort Worth
Cheers: To the Tarrant County College Board of Trustees for saving a search firm fee by naming Erma Johnson Hadley chancellor. It's a no-brainer. She knows the college like the back of her hand. Some criticize because she does not have a doctorate. So? Whoever heard the Bard of the Avon called Dr. Shakespeare?
-- Don Woodard Sr.

Why hasn’t the council demanded the gas industry use its own product, compressed natural gas, to fuel compressors and vehicles? Why hasn’t the council imposed use fees on the thousands of heavily-laden trucks plying our city streets on a daily basis? As the roads continue to deteriorate, will the council add another surcharge to the water bill and make the residents pay for council negligence?
Probably, and because of council’s disdain for public input, Rogers should not hold her breath – either for clean air or responsible government.
The aim of the eminent-domaining earmarkers is to cover the confluence with a detritus-filled 33-acre town lake, an unsavory olla podrida of pollutants, excrement, sewage, garbage, oil and grease, fertilizer, mercury and myriad other chemicals, dangerous PCBs, known and unknown carcinogens, and other flotsam and jetsam that washes down from a hundred miles upstream – a rancid, malodorous pond in which no Streams and Valleys Mayfester or knowing tourist would wade or swim, and whose bottom-dwelling catfish you would not eat. Tourist? Perhaps a lawsuit waiting to be filed? It happens.
One of the letters above came from Mr. Woodard. We saw some Cheers in the Fort Worth Star- Telegram this weekend, one because of him and one from him. Both too good to pass up. Cheers, Don, carry on sir!
Cheers: To Don Woodard, whose letters are always a delight to read. I can usually pick his out even before getting to the name at the end. Although I am sure there are those who do not appreciate his opinion, he always tells it as it is!
-- C.S. Morford, Fort Worth
Cheers: To the Tarrant County College Board of Trustees for saving a search firm fee by naming Erma Johnson Hadley chancellor. It's a no-brainer. She knows the college like the back of her hand. Some criticize because she does not have a doctorate. So? Whoever heard the Bard of the Avon called Dr. Shakespeare?
-- Don Woodard Sr.
City Council,
Don Woodard,
gas drilling,
Trinity Uptown
Questions Answered

Yesterday a friend asked, WHERE is the EPA?
The Fort Worth Business Press answered with the article, "EPA proposes oil, gas sector should track its emissions."
The EPA is proposing for the first time a national mandatory greenhouse gas reporting system to get “a better understanding of where GHGs are coming from,” according to a March 23 statement. The information also will help the EPA and businesses draft policies and programs to reduce emissions, a goal since Administrator Lisa P. Jackson was appointed.
Energy trade groups have bristled at the suggestion that their operations should be held accountable for greenhouse gas emissions, arguing new federal rules would throw the industry and economies into nothing short of total calamity.
Air Quality,
gas drilling
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Please excuse the language...
A friend of ours caught the PBS special on Josh Fox and Gasland. This is what they had to say with some minor editing. You'll have to excuse our friend, he just got it.
Are you familiar with hydrolic fracking?? Just watching the PBS documentary on Gasland. Scary XXXX. The process to get natural gas is undoubedtly contaminating us!! Several clips on utube. check it out. No one warning these people signing contracts. They're simply told to get a lawyer, process not regulated. This is WRONG!!! They use 500+ chemicals in the process and only get about half of what they put into the ground back out! This XXXX is showing up in the wells, rivers and streams.
Where the XXXX is the EPA???
Are you familiar with hydrolic fracking?? Just watching the PBS documentary on Gasland. Scary XXXX. The process to get natural gas is undoubedtly contaminating us!! Several clips on utube. check it out. No one warning these people signing contracts. They're simply told to get a lawyer, process not regulated. This is WRONG!!! They use 500+ chemicals in the process and only get about half of what they put into the ground back out! This XXXX is showing up in the wells, rivers and streams.
Where the XXXX is the EPA???
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Incoming from the #1 Watchdog -
GASLAND director, Josh Fox is the guest on NOW on PBS this Sunday.
GASLAND director, Josh Fox is the guest on NOW on PBS this Sunday.
I think this airs at 11 pm CST. Check local listings for exact date and time. Streaming video will be available online after broadcast.
Don Young,
gas drilling,
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
What do the people say?
Good letters in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram
More pressing issues
I was sorry to hear that Rep. Kay Granger and her U.S. House colleagues put a moratorium on earmarks, affecting the "flood control" project headed by her son J.D. Granger.
I sure hope all those people standing on the roofs of their businesses will be rescued from the floods after our most recent thunderstorms. More importantly, I pray that the private developers and eminent domain enthusiasts will be able to feed their families after the latest attempt by Granger's "conservative" colleagues to feign disdain over the rising deficits they helped to create.
This taxpayer's "Trinity River Vision" involves three more pressing priorities: 1) Expand Interstate 35W north of Fort Worth, home of the worst gridlock in the Metroplex; 2) fix Tower 55, a bottleneck slowing interstate commerce; and 3) fund the Southwest Parkway, a thoroughfare necessary to reduce the headache of traveling in southwest Fort Worth and to its southern neighbors.
Solutions to these three issues will undoubtedly benefit more taxpayers in Fort Worth than a lake north of downtown that only serves to enrich a select few.
-- William W. Thorburn, Benbrook
Questionable priorities
In reference to the March 13 article, "Trinity officials say project will go on," let me get this straight: The Fort Worth City Council can't balance the budget and must cut essential services or increase taxes and/or fees to fix our streets and complete our road projects. Yet, it managed to find "68 million local dollars" for the Trinity River "Vision." Benefiting whom? Private enterprise? The son of a politician?
I did not see Councilwoman Kathleen Hicks fighting to keep the recreation centers open. I think it's time to elect a new City Council (and let's throw in a new mayor).
-- Irene Kjornes, Fort Worth
More pressing issues
I was sorry to hear that Rep. Kay Granger and her U.S. House colleagues put a moratorium on earmarks, affecting the "flood control" project headed by her son J.D. Granger.
I sure hope all those people standing on the roofs of their businesses will be rescued from the floods after our most recent thunderstorms. More importantly, I pray that the private developers and eminent domain enthusiasts will be able to feed their families after the latest attempt by Granger's "conservative" colleagues to feign disdain over the rising deficits they helped to create.
This taxpayer's "Trinity River Vision" involves three more pressing priorities: 1) Expand Interstate 35W north of Fort Worth, home of the worst gridlock in the Metroplex; 2) fix Tower 55, a bottleneck slowing interstate commerce; and 3) fund the Southwest Parkway, a thoroughfare necessary to reduce the headache of traveling in southwest Fort Worth and to its southern neighbors.
Solutions to these three issues will undoubtedly benefit more taxpayers in Fort Worth than a lake north of downtown that only serves to enrich a select few.
-- William W. Thorburn, Benbrook
Questionable priorities
In reference to the March 13 article, "Trinity officials say project will go on," let me get this straight: The Fort Worth City Council can't balance the budget and must cut essential services or increase taxes and/or fees to fix our streets and complete our road projects. Yet, it managed to find "68 million local dollars" for the Trinity River "Vision." Benefiting whom? Private enterprise? The son of a politician?
I did not see Councilwoman Kathleen Hicks fighting to keep the recreation centers open. I think it's time to elect a new City Council (and let's throw in a new mayor).
-- Irene Kjornes, Fort Worth
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Water's getting deep...
We received this from one of our favorite contributors, thank you Eagle Eye!
Lone Star -
We attended the Riverside Park public meeting last night and were appalled by the condescending tone of the city officials that were leading it. Randle Harwood (Director of Trinity River Vision/City of Fort Worth employee- we learned this later, he introduced himself as "working in the City Manager's office") and Sal Espino (City Council) and Michael Someone? were all irritated that the public was asking questions. Isn't that what a Public meeting is for?
There were police at this meeting too. Is that a requirement? It seemed strange for a public input meeting on a park, that was held in a church.
J.D. Granger was there, though he didn't speak and wasn't introduced. There were other members from the Tarrant Regional Water District, in attendance, as well, not sure of their names, but saw their marked vehicles parked outside.
There were many valid points made by concerned citizens. Not many valid answers from the city.
Towards the end someone yelled "You are out of order!" Not sure if it was Sal or the gentleman who was speaking, because it was a little heated. By the time it was over, Randle Harwood was red faced and sweating and Sal Espino gave a frazzled, loud, exasperated speech and concluded, "We are going to end this meeting".
The citizens seemed to be taken aback by that, they still had/have questions!
The city folks seemed more concerned about putting sticker dots on the options. Someone asked what if you don't like either option? That was another question that went unanswered. They also asked why the option the city seemed to prefer (that costs more) had a fancy name, while the other one was named "Option".
We learned last night that the "Northern Expansion" piece is privately owned land, and the land owner (who was present) was never contacted by the city. We also learned that none of us knew about the first three public meetings because the notification process was "going door to door".
WHAT? Is that legal? Did they go to every door in Fort Worth? (Obviously not or the property owner that is having land threatened would have been notified?) And, as you would logically ask, WHO went door to door?
We were told that the PCB's in sediment have declined, or remain unchanged, since the 1970's and 1980's? Is this true? Wasn't it in the paper recently that they are the highest levels in the Tarrant County portion of the Trinity?
Best we could tell, the options range from $3 million dollars to $4.8 million. Seems like a lot for a park with no restrooms. Yes, you heard that right. No potty's.
The money portion was a hot button of course. Funding is made up from gas revenues, TRV funds, and Valley Storage Construction? Say it's Federal funding, they also say it's been appropriated. Some people argued the fact. So another Trinity River Vision/Fort Worth City employee, Mark Rowser(?) said $52 million has been appropriated, in which $12 million has been spent and $40 million remains. This was a little confusing as one of city rep's had said "future bond programs and gas revenues" will help complete the funding and maintenance.
Lone Star -
We attended the Riverside Park public meeting last night and were appalled by the condescending tone of the city officials that were leading it. Randle Harwood (Director of Trinity River Vision/City of Fort Worth employee- we learned this later, he introduced himself as "working in the City Manager's office") and Sal Espino (City Council) and Michael Someone? were all irritated that the public was asking questions. Isn't that what a Public meeting is for?
There were police at this meeting too. Is that a requirement? It seemed strange for a public input meeting on a park, that was held in a church.

There were many valid points made by concerned citizens. Not many valid answers from the city.
Towards the end someone yelled "You are out of order!" Not sure if it was Sal or the gentleman who was speaking, because it was a little heated. By the time it was over, Randle Harwood was red faced and sweating and Sal Espino gave a frazzled, loud, exasperated speech and concluded, "We are going to end this meeting".
The citizens seemed to be taken aback by that, they still had/have questions!
The city folks seemed more concerned about putting sticker dots on the options. Someone asked what if you don't like either option? That was another question that went unanswered. They also asked why the option the city seemed to prefer (that costs more) had a fancy name, while the other one was named "Option".
We learned last night that the "Northern Expansion" piece is privately owned land, and the land owner (who was present) was never contacted by the city. We also learned that none of us knew about the first three public meetings because the notification process was "going door to door".
WHAT? Is that legal? Did they go to every door in Fort Worth? (Obviously not or the property owner that is having land threatened would have been notified?) And, as you would logically ask, WHO went door to door?
We were told that the PCB's in sediment have declined, or remain unchanged, since the 1970's and 1980's? Is this true? Wasn't it in the paper recently that they are the highest levels in the Tarrant County portion of the Trinity?
Best we could tell, the options range from $3 million dollars to $4.8 million. Seems like a lot for a park with no restrooms. Yes, you heard that right. No potty's.
The money portion was a hot button of course. Funding is made up from gas revenues, TRV funds, and Valley Storage Construction? Say it's Federal funding, they also say it's been appropriated. Some people argued the fact. So another Trinity River Vision/Fort Worth City employee, Mark Rowser(?) said $52 million has been appropriated, in which $12 million has been spent and $40 million remains. This was a little confusing as one of city rep's had said "future bond programs and gas revenues" will help complete the funding and maintenance.
There was also an argument with a citizen and Harwood about the Trinity Uptown EIS and the standard flood protection requirements.
Someone asked about voting on the northern expansion piece since it's $2.9 million of the total cost. We didn't hear a clear answer to that. Or much else. It's suppose to be presented to council in June. Mark your calendar, if it's anything like last night, you won't want to miss it!
Eagle Eye
Fort Worth Way,
Riverside Park,
Trinity River Vision
Where will YOU be tonight?
The Riverside Park meeting about your tax dollars and eminent domain being used for the Trinity River Vision or the meeting in Keller about your tax dollars being used to fund a private development that can't pay for itself.
Decisions, decisions...
Pick one and go. Then tell us what you learn!
The Riverside Park meeting about your tax dollars and eminent domain being used for the Trinity River Vision or the meeting in Keller about your tax dollars being used to fund a private development that can't pay for itself.
Decisions, decisions...
Pick one and go. Then tell us what you learn!
Riverside Park,
Trinity River Vision
Monday, March 22, 2010
Come to the Riverside Park meeting Tuesday!!
Hear the "options" and be heard.
Additionally, providing flood storage in Riverside Park by excavating certain areas — a result of the Trinity River Vision project — is an option that is being considered. This option, if pursued, would have the benefit of unleashing federal resources for improving Riverside Park.
The meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. March 23 at Fort Worth Harvest Church, 620 N. Chandler Drive. A Spanish interpreter will be available.
Hear the "options" and be heard.
Additionally, providing flood storage in Riverside Park by excavating certain areas — a result of the Trinity River Vision project — is an option that is being considered. This option, if pursued, would have the benefit of unleashing federal resources for improving Riverside Park.
The meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. March 23 at Fort Worth Harvest Church, 620 N. Chandler Drive. A Spanish interpreter will be available.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Say's Who?

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has an article titled, Some Tarrant Cities at odds over gas drilling ordinances.
The problem is city limit lines, wells can be too close to the neighbors, schools, etc. in the neighboring city. We noticed an interesting pattern, WHO says there should be a uniform ordinance?
The inconsistency on the issue could become an argument for moving to a single drilling ordinance for the region, according to one major player in the shale.
"If you had something that was more uniform, it would more than likely standardize the process," said Leah King, Chesapeake Energy's senior director of public affairs.
Officials with Chesapeake Energy say the competing rules make drilling requests more difficult and time-consuming than they need to be for both natural gas companies and the municipalities. A uniform ordinance would make the process move more smoothly, said Chesapeake spokesman Brian Murnahan.
City Limits,
gas drilling,
Tarrant County
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Case Closed??
Or is it?
WHERE is the news? You know, the ones that said last Thursday, the pipeline would not be going on Carter Avenue. (The order was signed last Tuesday...) If there is no pipeline going on Carter Avenue, why would you need their property? Just because?
See the court document here. (Thanks to Durango!)
WHERE is the news? You know, the ones that said last Thursday, the pipeline would not be going on Carter Avenue. (The order was signed last Tuesday...) If there is no pipeline going on Carter Avenue, why would you need their property? Just because?
See the court document here. (Thanks to Durango!)
Carter Avenue,
Eminent Domain,
Steve Doeung
We've told you...
...about Ally Collins before. Now the Tarrant Regional Water District Board Candidates do...
Read all about it on Durango. Spread the word.
Read all about it on Durango. Spread the word.
Monday, March 15, 2010
WHO Pays?

WHO will pay for the Trinity River Vision?
YOU. And your kids, and your grand kids...
Don't believe us? Ask Keller. They are paying for their Town Center. They didn't get a say either.
It seems the Town Center has not made enough cash to pay its bills since it was built.
$3.9 million subsidized, with another $4.5 million needed. How much, the taxpayers want to know? 1.4 cents on the tax rate!
Because the city borrowed $33 million to build it.
"...with hopes that the tax dollars raised in the district would pay off the loan, City Manager Dan O'Leary said."
So it was built on hopes it would pay for itself... Starting to sound familiar yet? No? How about this?
To finance construction, the city issued certificates of obligation, which did not require a bond election, but taxpayers are obligated to pay.
Did they just say the taxpayers are paying for this development and they didn't get a vote?
Fort Worth, are you listening?
Listen at the Keller Meeting, March 23rd @ City Council Meeting, where the public will NOW have a chance to speak. AFTER the fact. Better speak up Fort Worth. If not for you, for your children.
This is said to be a Fort Worth Star-Telegram article, but the only place we could locate it is here. Odd, since it's only a few days old.
privtate development,
Trinity River Vision
What in the...????
We have gotten tons of emails asking what the latest is on the Carter Avenue Pipeline. Well, the scandal has taken yet another turn.
Texas Lone Star had a representative in the courtroom during Steve Doeung's hearing, our representative, along with the other Carter Avenue supporters packed in the courtroom heard Judge Sprinkle say, repeatedly, WHEN he signed the order, Steve would have 30 days to appeal or file a motion to dismiss. Judge Sprinkle also said Steve would be notified when this took place.
We're told, that this morning Steve went to the courthouse to file yet another petition to try and save his home. Unfortunately, Judge Sprinkle's Clerk approached Steve and told him that the order was signed on Tuesday, March 9th and THE CASE WAS CLOSED. We beg your pardon? Steve was not allowed to file anything and told they couldn't help him there. WHO can? And WHERE?
If the order was signed, taking away a taxpayers property, and giving it to a corporation, WHY was the taxpayer not notified (AGAIN)? This reminds us of the antics in the courtroom when the attorneys presented Steve with the paperwork against him, that he hasn't ever seen, even though it was from last year. WHERE is the justice?
If Steve's councilwoman, Kathleen Hicks is working hard ("my continuing effort to ensure that a Chesapeake gas pipeline does not go down Carter Avenue.") and there is an alternative route in play, WHY do they need to move forward with taking Steve's property? ASK HER. TODAY.
Somebody call Senator Davis too, please. She was the one being vocal about them "backing away from the suit". We all need her help.
If all of these things are taking place - WHERE IS THE NEWS? You know, the unbiased media? Someone should ask them too.
Texas Lone Star had a representative in the courtroom during Steve Doeung's hearing, our representative, along with the other Carter Avenue supporters packed in the courtroom heard Judge Sprinkle say, repeatedly, WHEN he signed the order, Steve would have 30 days to appeal or file a motion to dismiss. Judge Sprinkle also said Steve would be notified when this took place.
We're told, that this morning Steve went to the courthouse to file yet another petition to try and save his home. Unfortunately, Judge Sprinkle's Clerk approached Steve and told him that the order was signed on Tuesday, March 9th and THE CASE WAS CLOSED. We beg your pardon? Steve was not allowed to file anything and told they couldn't help him there. WHO can? And WHERE?
If the order was signed, taking away a taxpayers property, and giving it to a corporation, WHY was the taxpayer not notified (AGAIN)? This reminds us of the antics in the courtroom when the attorneys presented Steve with the paperwork against him, that he hasn't ever seen, even though it was from last year. WHERE is the justice?
If Steve's councilwoman, Kathleen Hicks is working hard ("my continuing effort to ensure that a Chesapeake gas pipeline does not go down Carter Avenue.") and there is an alternative route in play, WHY do they need to move forward with taking Steve's property? ASK HER. TODAY.
Somebody call Senator Davis too, please. She was the one being vocal about them "backing away from the suit". We all need her help.
If all of these things are taking place - WHERE IS THE NEWS? You know, the unbiased media? Someone should ask them too.
Carter Avenue,
Eminent Domain,
gas drilling,
Steve Doeung
Urgent Incoming from FTW #1 Watchdog:
EVERYONE is invited -
Loony-tunes Texas Governor, Rick Perry, recently decided to sue the Environmental Protection Agency to insure that Texas polluters can keep evading federal laws that protect you and your family.
EVERYONE is invited -
Loony-tunes Texas Governor, Rick Perry, recently decided to sue the Environmental Protection Agency to insure that Texas polluters can keep evading federal laws that protect you and your family.
Tomorrow afternoon (March 16), you can tell the EPA how you feel about that at a public hearing at City Hall in Arlington, Texas. Read the Who-What-When-Where here:
> > > Texas Sharon will be making a presentation to the EPA and has put together a spot-on video that illustrates just how much how gas drilling polluters care about the air you breathe. It just might inspire you to Do Something.
Air Quality,
Don Young,
gas drilling
Saturday, March 13, 2010
EVERYONE is invited.
Be at the Tarrant Regional Water Board Sunday March 14 to protest THE BOONDOGGLE ON TRINITY, the $1.0 billion gift of your tax dollars to wealthy developers known as the Trinity River Vision. Despite misleading claims from city officials, the federal government has NOT authorized this project ...or agreed to fund it.
EVERYONE is invited.
Be at the Tarrant Regional Water Board Sunday March 14 to protest THE BOONDOGGLE ON TRINITY, the $1.0 billion gift of your tax dollars to wealthy developers known as the Trinity River Vision. Despite misleading claims from city officials, the federal government has NOT authorized this project ...or agreed to fund it.
Stop the madness now, before it's too late. The protest is being organized by the United Conservative Coalition of Texas and starts at 2:00 pm. Address:
800 East Northside Drive, Fort Worth
Tarrant Regional Water District,
Friday, March 12, 2010

Lon Burnam sent a representative to the Carter Avenue rally last week, and a letter telling the residents he stands with them.
Wendy Davis tried to pass a bill to protect them that Governor Perry vetoed. She also said-
"Particularly, they need to back away from the condemnation against Steve Doeung," Davis said. "I feel like his family has suffered a lot of emotional trauma."
Read the article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Carter Avenue,
Kathleen Hicks,
Lon Burnam,
Wendy Davis
And the river runs dry...

Read the latest about Trinity River Vision earmark moratorium in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Reminds us of lessons learned growing up - don't spend money (yours or ours) you don't have, on things you don't need.
While other projects can compete for federal funds, the portion of the Trinity River Vision project that the Army Corps of Engineers calls Central City Fort Worth is not, technically, an authorized project and is unfunded every year by the federal government until Congress approves annual funding through the appropriations process.
Granger did have the Trinity River Vision authorized in an appropriations bill several years ago, but neither House Democrats nor the federal government has ever accepted it as being authorized.
Kay Granger,
Trinity River Vision
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The race is on...

Adrian Murray and John Basham are running for Tarrant Regional Water District to protect your property, water and money.
Check them out.
Too good to be True?
On WFAA news tonight Chris Hawes announced the Carter Avenue pipeline will NOT go on Carter Avenue. She also interviewed Senator Davis who was very pleased with the news.
As the Carter Avenue residents know, it ain't over until the pipeline is in the ground. Let's hope this is it.
Goodnight Carter Avenue! Sleep well!
As the Carter Avenue residents know, it ain't over until the pipeline is in the ground. Let's hope this is it.
Goodnight Carter Avenue! Sleep well!
Carter Avenue
EVERYONE is invited!
Hotel Trinity Inn Suites
I30 @ Beach
Those who say it cannot be done should get
out of the way of those doing it.
out of the way of those doing it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
What's shaking?

Check out the Fort Worth Business Press for the scoop from the SMU study concerning Texas earthquakes.
A study of the small earthquakes near the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in 2008 and 2009 says the saltwater injection disposal wells in the area were a “plausible cause” for seismic activity.
Fort Worth,
gas drilling
Damage Control
Popular words at Fort Worth City Hall.
Read the latest from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on the "committee" and on their blog about Carter Avenue. Many agencies we have mentioned before brought up in both - the COG, never ends.
Both Mayor Moncrief and Kathleen Hicks have taken credit for things that citizens have been demanding of them. Citizens WHO have never had contact with either (not for lack of trying). And how would Kathleen know about residents misconceptions? Has she ever spoken to a resident of Carter Avenue? The residents say NO.
Here's a highlight from the article in which the mayor takes credit for the idea and work of others, while he appoints three industry seats on the committee.
How much did he make off gas royalties last year?
Mayor Mike Moncrief defended the process, saying it was his idea to appoint a committee. "That was a decision I made, to make sure that there was inclusion -- to make sure we did have representation in that process from the neighborhoods," he said. "I also know, and I think we all do, that you need to have the industry representation in that process because otherwise it does no good."
What does the FW Weekly say about the "committee" and it's three industry seats? Read it here.
Critics say that’s like letting the fox design, build, and guard the hen house.
Read the latest from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on the "committee" and on their blog about Carter Avenue. Many agencies we have mentioned before brought up in both - the COG, never ends.
Both Mayor Moncrief and Kathleen Hicks have taken credit for things that citizens have been demanding of them. Citizens WHO have never had contact with either (not for lack of trying). And how would Kathleen know about residents misconceptions? Has she ever spoken to a resident of Carter Avenue? The residents say NO.
Here's a highlight from the article in which the mayor takes credit for the idea and work of others, while he appoints three industry seats on the committee.
How much did he make off gas royalties last year?
Mayor Mike Moncrief defended the process, saying it was his idea to appoint a committee. "That was a decision I made, to make sure that there was inclusion -- to make sure we did have representation in that process from the neighborhoods," he said. "I also know, and I think we all do, that you need to have the industry representation in that process because otherwise it does no good."
What does the FW Weekly say about the "committee" and it's three industry seats? Read it here.
Critics say that’s like letting the fox design, build, and guard the hen house.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
May we have your attention please...
FORT WORTH, TEXAS - The North Central Texas Communities Alliance (NCTCA) will hold a Press Conference at 6:00 PM, Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at the north entrance to Fort Worth City Hall to voice its opposition to the composition of the committee recommended by the Fort Worth City Council to choose a company and their scope of work in conducting air quality testing at gas drilling locations in Fort Worth.
The council will be presented with a resolution, at their meeting at 7 PM following the press conference. The resolution states the charge to the committee and the names and affiliations of a ten-member committee.
City staff met with NCTCA board members several weeks ago to ask for input regarding the charge to the committee and the make-up of its members. “We unanimously recommended that members have an expertise or an advanced understanding of the industry. However, we made it clear that no member shall represent any of the gas companies or their affiliates,” said Esther McElfish, president of NCTCA. McElfish reiterated that the inclusion of industry representation undermines the credibility of the studies.
It also appears that the five citizens recommended for appointment to the committee have no apparent expertise or experience related to the process, except for a former Gas Drilling Task Force member. "Anyone who's been involved in the gas drilling, pipeline and air quality issues knows that there is a steep learning curve in understanding these complex issues. We don't need well-meaning citizens on the committee who are ‘in training,’ and who could be unduly influenced by industry professionals," cautioned McElfish. "If the vehicle for decision making is illegitimate, then the results will be as well."
NCTCA urges the Mayor, Council and City Manager to conduct a public hearing on this matter at Tuesday night's meeting, to reevaluate the selection process and criteria for proposed committee members, and to postpone a vote on the Resolution for a minimum two weeks.
The North Central Texas Communities Alliance (NCTCA), a grass roots organization of informed and concerned citizens and community groups in the Barnett Shale region of Texas.
FORT WORTH, TEXAS - The North Central Texas Communities Alliance (NCTCA) will hold a Press Conference at 6:00 PM, Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at the north entrance to Fort Worth City Hall to voice its opposition to the composition of the committee recommended by the Fort Worth City Council to choose a company and their scope of work in conducting air quality testing at gas drilling locations in Fort Worth.
The council will be presented with a resolution, at their meeting at 7 PM following the press conference. The resolution states the charge to the committee and the names and affiliations of a ten-member committee.
City staff met with NCTCA board members several weeks ago to ask for input regarding the charge to the committee and the make-up of its members. “We unanimously recommended that members have an expertise or an advanced understanding of the industry. However, we made it clear that no member shall represent any of the gas companies or their affiliates,” said Esther McElfish, president of NCTCA. McElfish reiterated that the inclusion of industry representation undermines the credibility of the studies.

NCTCA urges the Mayor, Council and City Manager to conduct a public hearing on this matter at Tuesday night's meeting, to reevaluate the selection process and criteria for proposed committee members, and to postpone a vote on the Resolution for a minimum two weeks.
The North Central Texas Communities Alliance (NCTCA), a grass roots organization of informed and concerned citizens and community groups in the Barnett Shale region of Texas.
Air Quality,
Fort Worth,
gas drilling,
To the point
Leave it to Mr. Woodard to again point out the obvious. His Letter to the Editor in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram is another example of the questions citizens should be asking.
Unanswered question
According to Sandra Baker's Friday story, XTO Energy wants to demolish a 1950s-era industrial building that previously was part of the Armour & Co. meatpacking site in Fort Worth's historical Stockyards district. XTO has asked for permission from the city's Historical Commission to tear down the one-story structure.
Most historic properties in Fort Worth have demolition delay zoning, which is a way to protect structures and make sure owners make every effort to preserve a structure before demolishing it.
Let me be sure that I have this straight. Permission has to be received by XTO to tear down an unneeded, privately owned, off-the-beaten-path building but not for Town Lake earmarkers to demolish Fort Worth's signature landmark, the Clear Fork-West Fork confluence of the Trinity River.
XTO's obscure building is perhaps 50 years old. How old is the confluence, the observed of all observers? Ask God.
-- Don Woodard Sr., Fort Worth
Unanswered question

Most historic properties in Fort Worth have demolition delay zoning, which is a way to protect structures and make sure owners make every effort to preserve a structure before demolishing it.
Let me be sure that I have this straight. Permission has to be received by XTO to tear down an unneeded, privately owned, off-the-beaten-path building but not for Town Lake earmarkers to demolish Fort Worth's signature landmark, the Clear Fork-West Fork confluence of the Trinity River.
XTO's obscure building is perhaps 50 years old. How old is the confluence, the observed of all observers? Ask God.
-- Don Woodard Sr., Fort Worth
Don Woodard,
Fort Worth Way,
Trinity River Vision,
Monday, March 8, 2010
Again, so many issues, so little time. Here's a run down of things we haven't got covered yet, that others do.
What's TXSharon up to? Getting air tests done in your cities. Ones you can count on.
What's the latest on Carter Avenue? We need your help! Write an email, make a call, or send a letter to Judge Sprinkle. NOW! Durango has the contact info.
Seems there is some disagreement over the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Mike Lee's coverage of the Carter Avenue Rally and court hearing. Mr. Lee was criticized by some for not mentioning the rally, the folks present in support, Steve's holding his own against the industry get the picture. Rumor has it, he did write about those things and they were edited out.
Those on the other side (why so many sides? We are all after the same thing!) say to leave Mike alone, as he is the ONLY S-T reporter covering any of the gas issues. While we understand and can greatly appreciate that, we think the point they were making is, if you only cover half the story, does that make you part of the problem? The news should be just Covering all of both sides. There are some that still believe that is the purpose of a newspaper. So our question is WHO is the editor for last week's article? Send us the info!! Durango has update.
What's TXSharon up to? Getting air tests done in your cities. Ones you can count on.
What's the latest on Carter Avenue? We need your help! Write an email, make a call, or send a letter to Judge Sprinkle. NOW! Durango has the contact info.
Seems there is some disagreement over the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Mike Lee's coverage of the Carter Avenue Rally and court hearing. Mr. Lee was criticized by some for not mentioning the rally, the folks present in support, Steve's holding his own against the industry get the picture. Rumor has it, he did write about those things and they were edited out.
Those on the other side (why so many sides? We are all after the same thing!) say to leave Mike alone, as he is the ONLY S-T reporter covering any of the gas issues. While we understand and can greatly appreciate that, we think the point they were making is, if you only cover half the story, does that make you part of the problem? The news should be just Covering all of both sides. There are some that still believe that is the purpose of a newspaper. So our question is WHO is the editor for last week's article? Send us the info!! Durango has update.
Carter Avenue,
Mike Lee,
One down...
Railroad Commissioner Carrillo claims he lost the primary due to his name. He says it's because of race.
We disagree. We think he lost the primary due to his record, his history of being an industry lapdog.
What do you think?
Read the Fort Worth Business Press article here.
We disagree. We think he lost the primary due to his record, his history of being an industry lapdog.
What do you think?
Read the Fort Worth Business Press article here.
Railroad Commission
Something smells...
Read the latest on a new waste water system in Fort Worth in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Be sure and read the comments from the CITIZENS.
Be sure and read the comments from the CITIZENS.
Fort Worth,
Trinity River,
Waste water
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Water Everywhere...

And these two want to save us a drop to drink. It's about time!
Read in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram about Adrian Murray and John Basham running for the Tarrant Regional Water Board! Real people, concerned with our future...we need more like that.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Incoming from Fort Worth's #1 Watchdog

Did Steve win? Yes and no.
Did Chesapeake win? Yes and no.
Is it all over? Maybe, maybe not.
Was it frustrating? Arghhhh!
Was the CARO rally a success? No ambiguity there. A decisive, YES!
At the sidewalk rally "Steve's People" numbered about fifty strong on a chilly morning, quite an improvement over his last few hearings. About 20 supporters crammed into the courtroom to see Steve battle the two Chesapeake lawyers and sometimes, Judge Sprinkle.
Great job, Steve!
See below, for reports on the outcome from various sources. I suspect this case ain't over yet. Stay tuned...
Carter Avenue Rescue Operation

WHERE has she been for the past two years? No one has yet to see her ON Carter Avenue.
But someone was there today, putting letters addressed to "Carter Avenue Resident" in the mailboxes. They were dated yesterday.
Enjoy...and thanks to the Carter Avenue Residents for sharing.
On a side note, Steve was interviewed by Channel 8 WFAA, and he asked where his council representative was, we saw zero footage on Channel 8. Did we miss something? WHERE was Chris Hawes when you need her?
Dear Carter Avenue Neighbors:
I hope you all are doing well. I wanted to give you a progress report on my continuing effort to ensure that a Chesapeake gas pipeline does not go down Carter Avenue.
I am pleased to inform you that Chesapeake has completed their detailed design alignment for the proposed reroute along TxDOT ROW that includes TxDOT's various requirements. We hope to get TxDOT approval in March, assuming they do not require further changes.
While there is still work to do, I am grateful to Chesapeake and TxDOT for working together on a solution. Most of all, I want to thank you for your patience and support. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Please know that I will continue to update you as more info becomes available.
Kathleen Hicks
District 8 Representative
CC: Senator Wendy Davis
Representative Lon Burnam
Dale Fisseler, City Manager
Mayor Mike Moncrief
Fort Worth City Council
Carter Avenue,
City Council,
Fort Worth Way,
Kathleen Hicks
Calling all counties...

We've told you about the "COG" before. Another one of those "Nothing was ever done, it just got worse..." Would we really want this "organization" to be in charge of a project of this magnitude?
Read what we received from a Concerned Citizen...seems to be a lot of those lately.
To All Concerned,
My wife and I were made aware of, and attended a meeting in Granbury on February 24, 2010 that was presented by NCTCOG. The subject of the meeting centered on the protection of watersheds.
What disturbed us was the presentation of a new pilot program that involves a “coalition” of the three Federal agencies, EPA, HUD, and DOT in planning “sustainable” environments and the Federal regulations that will go with this activity. We were told that this watershed based program was being funded by stimulus money going through Federal grants to NCTCOG. The program involves “greenprinting” of watersheds in 16 North Texas counties. The nonprofit group Trust for Public Land is also a significant player in the program to acquire land “for conservation.”
NCTCOG held the “roundtable meetings” to obtain feedback from people in the watershed regions. My wife and I attended two meetings, the one in Granbury for the Lake Granbury watershed, and the one in Kaufman for the Cedar Creek Lake watershed. There were county government water employees present and a few government officials. The only citizen group representatives there were us and our 3 friends (at the Granbury meeting) who accidentally found out about the Granbury meeting and notified us.
A roundtable meeting was scheduled for every watershed during the month of February 2010. One meeting was postponed due to inclement weather. The rescheduled meeting covers watersheds for Lakes Arlington, Weatherford, Benbrook and Joe Pool. The new date is Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 9:00AM at Mansfield City Hall, 1200 East Broad St.
I would encourage citizens of Hood County and their representatives that missed the Lake Granbury meeting to attend the meeting in Mansfield, as the format and the pilot program presentation are the same.
They did it again...

We'll go with Durango on this one.
This is a perfect example of the reason this blog was created, people are tired of attending events and then seeing the "news" wondering if the reporters were actually at the same event.
You have notes from the rally and hearing yesterday? Let us hear them.
Carter Avenue,
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Word on the Street...
Is that Adrian Murray and John Basham have filed to run for the Tarrant Regional Water Board.
Good news, folks. Help is on the way!
We knew we would forget some on the list of WHO attended the CARO event this morning.
State Representative Lon Burman couldn't be present so he sent his assistant to bring a letter to the courthouse supporting Steve.
Hopefully we'll be sent a copy and post it for you to read.
Did we mention DISH Mayor Calvin Tillman drove in this morning to join Steve on the courthouse steps? WHERE was our mayor? Where was Steve's council representative?
State Representative Lon Burman couldn't be present so he sent his assistant to bring a letter to the courthouse supporting Steve.
Hopefully we'll be sent a copy and post it for you to read.
Did we mention DISH Mayor Calvin Tillman drove in this morning to join Steve on the courthouse steps? WHERE was our mayor? Where was Steve's council representative?
Fort Worth Way,
Lon Burnam,
Mayor Moncrief
Tarrant County

So many little time. So for now, get your CARO update on Durango.
Thanks to all WHO participated in the rally this morning. It was early and it was chilly but they still came. Mayor Calvin Tillman, Louis McBee, Billy Mitchell, Don Young, Charlie Murphy, Robert Snoke, Durango, Renny Rosas, Carter Avenue residents, Pastor Roach, The Queen of Wink, Glen Bucy, Adrian Murray...the list goes on.
We'll have more news later this evening. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Oops, he did it again...
Durango pointing out the obvious in a style all his own. Don't miss it. And don't miss the Carter Avenue Rally Operation Thursday morning.
Carter Avenue,
Steve Doeung
We Won't Pipe Down: Carter Avenue Rescue Operation Rally Thursday March 4 Downtown Fort Worth

This rally will be held prior to Steve Doeung's court appearance in his battle with Chesapeake Energy. Steve Doeung is attempting to stop Chesapeake Energy from using eminent domain to take his home in order to put a pipeline beneath the homes along Carter Avenue in Fort Worth.
Steve Doeung does not have legal counsel. He is a Lone Ranger battling Chesapeake Energy. The last time Steve Doeung was in court he was virtually alone against Chesapeake Energy.
This time we do not want Steve Doeung to be alone. We want Steve to feel the support of his fellow Texans, with a solid, loud expression of the American Spirit.
The Court hearing begins at 8:30. Please come witness this historic moment in Fort Worth and Texas and show your support for Steve Doeung and the residents of Carter Avenue.
All North Texans should be concerned with the process and outcome of this hearing. A recent Fort Worth Business Press article named Tarrant County, the eminent domain capital of Texas, which by default likely makes Tarrant County the eminent domain capital of America.
YOUR neighborhood could be next.
Speakers at the event include:
Louis McBee - Vietnam Veteran, Business Owner, Community Leader, Former Mayoral Candidate and Treasurer of NCTCA
Glen Bucy - Afghanistan Veteran, Former City Council Candidate, and Local Community Activist
Billy Mitchell - Rancher, Eminent domain abuse victim, Community Activist
And special guest - DISH, TX Mayor, Calvin Tillman - Mayor Tillman has been leading the way with his determination and resolve to ensure the safety of resident's rights concerning gas drilling, not only in DISH, but the entire state of Texas. He was recently invited to speak to citizens in New York about their concerns with gas drilling issues.
CARTER AVENUE RESCUE OPERATION begins at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 100 W. Weatherford in Fort Worth. That is the Old Historic Courthouse at the north end of downtown, across the street from Heritage Park. Just follow the signs, downtown, to Sundance Square, where you will find plenty of parking lots.
Refreshments will be provided. Please plan on attending and bring your family and friends!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
WHO is Glen Bucy?

Want to hear more? Then come to the CARO Rally Thursday a.m. in downtown Fort Worth! See ya'll then!
Glen Bucy,
High Noon Cowtown
You don't say...
We received this email from a Concerned Citizen, thank you Concerned Citizen. We'll see you Thursday!
Chesapeake, is bullying Steve Doueng of the Carter Ave pipeline for no reason. Homeland Security in Austin did not know the above ground line was to be placed 2 blocks away from a major interstate highway. When told by a private citizen, not the Mayor or the FW Gas Task Force, the Tex RR Commission was sent to inspect the Carter Ave. location. Above ground gas lines, gangs, and terrorists don’t mix. Due to public outcry for protection against danger, the location of the high pressure gas line will not go in Mr. Doueng’s front yard. Now, Chesapeake just wants to take Mr. Doueng’s home for some reason. The Mayor did not alert Homeland Security of the danger, and now, by his silence, encourages Chesapeake’s bad behavior. The whole City Council has the power of the City Charter to protect residents and they are hiding behind Councilwoman Hicks who speaks alone. Fort Worth City Council and the Mayor had the duty to voice a protective opinion against Chesapeake’s original plan to put a high pressure pipe in a neighborhood yard and now have the duty to speak against strong arm bullying to take a home when not needed.
Chesapeake, is bullying Steve Doueng of the Carter Ave pipeline for no reason. Homeland Security in Austin did not know the above ground line was to be placed 2 blocks away from a major interstate highway. When told by a private citizen, not the Mayor or the FW Gas Task Force, the Tex RR Commission was sent to inspect the Carter Ave. location. Above ground gas lines, gangs, and terrorists don’t mix. Due to public outcry for protection against danger, the location of the high pressure gas line will not go in Mr. Doueng’s front yard. Now, Chesapeake just wants to take Mr. Doueng’s home for some reason. The Mayor did not alert Homeland Security of the danger, and now, by his silence, encourages Chesapeake’s bad behavior. The whole City Council has the power of the City Charter to protect residents and they are hiding behind Councilwoman Hicks who speaks alone. Fort Worth City Council and the Mayor had the duty to voice a protective opinion against Chesapeake’s original plan to put a high pressure pipe in a neighborhood yard and now have the duty to speak against strong arm bullying to take a home when not needed.
Carter Call Out

What does Steve say? What about the #1 Watchdog, what does he say?
See Durango to find out!
And we'll see ya'll on Thursday morning!
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