She was ripped from her mothers arms by the current as they tried to escape their home due to rising flood waters in the middle of the night.
It wasn't raining where Ally lived, it was raining north of there.
Those downstream had no warning.
There had been talk, rhetoric, of moving the homes away from the creek in the past. There had been studies of the creek in the past.
The map below was published in 2005 by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (we will tell you WHO they are soon). It shows Ally's street completely under water, two years prior to her drowning.
Another case of "Nothing was ever done, it just got worse". A child dying because nothing was ever done is, in a word, unacceptable. And if the government knew loss of life was probable, WHY was nothing done?
What does it take for something to get done? Besides money. Maybe if some of the Trinity Uptown money was spent to protect lives and property instead of economic development...then no lives would be lost. Which is more important?
Our thoughts are with Ally's family during the anniversary of what had to be the worst day of their lives.
She is not forgotten.

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