Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Texas Water Wars

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram Cheers and Jeers this weekend shows WHO’s paying attention.  Maybe YOU should.  Before it’s too late.

Remember, they are only paying for what they use when a meter’s running.

Jeers: To the gas well drillers of Barnett Shale and their TV commercial on water conservation.  If they truly mean they are conserving and protecting our water supply, then why are they using it like there is an endless supply in their drilling operations?  Get real, people!

Jim L. Burden, Crowley

Jeers: To Chesapeake Energy for using 4 million gallons of city water to fill the lake on Bryant Irvin Road.  As water supplies dwindle and restrictions are put in place, how did this happen?  A poor example of conservation, but a typical action by the company we are forced to live with.

Bourke Harvey – Fort Worth

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