Monday, March 14, 2011

Small Town politics continued

This time in Richland Hills.  Read the letter in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

THE PEOPLE are listening.  Wonder what they'll say in May?

City Hall silence

The Richland Hills City Council decided Tuesday that it has the right to remove any speaker if council members feel insulted by what is said.

The council should be commended; this shows members are standing up for what they see is right. Think about it. I could say something like, "This decision could ruin this city." But that might hurt their feelings. I might be asked to leave.

So, no audience member should speak at all. In fact, I am not sure why an audience is even there. Let council members do whatever they want behind closed doors. Residents don't need to exercise their right to participate in government.

I just hope we don't elect three new council members who respect citizen input.

The preceding letter is sarcasm. Vote those guys out while you still have a voice.

-- Travis Malone, Richland Hills

1 comment:

WWJD? said...

Is there something in the air, water, or dirt around this area that produces so much instances of UN-American values and conducts, especially on the part of public officials?

Nevermind, asking about the Christians and churches and their leaders who are supposed to be "in the world, but of the world"...and supposed to be "light and salt".

It's getting awefully dark, silent, and "spoiled rotten" (no salt) around this area of the Buckle of the Bible Belt.