Friday, May 21, 2010

WHO's watching?


Great Letters to the Editor in today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram. What's the oligarchy going to do when all THE PEOPLE are paying attention? Get ready.

Hiding the truth

I received a mailing from the Clean Water Committee regarding the Tarrant Regional Water District election. The mailing was unsigned, although a return address showed a suite on Fort Worth's Main Street.

The timing of this mailing was interesting in that the criticism of two candidates did not allow time to check the facts presented. To their credit, parties responsible for the mailing did offer sources for the information -- Orange County, Calif., Texas Comptroller's Office and court records -- but a lack of time (received the day before the May 8 election) prevented confirmation of the information presented.

I do not know either of the candidates mentioned. I do know mudslinging and dirty politics when I see it, however, and this smacked of both.

Quoting from the mailing, "Shame on candidates for hiding the truth!" I say shame on others for hiding their identity with this anonymous mailing.

-- John Farlow, Fort Worth

Unfair pet licensing fees

In recent months, the Fort Worth City Council has passed one or two trivial ordinances all in the name of finding any way to make money, even when it's unfair, unjust and unnecessary. Because City Hall can't manage or balance its budget, it has placed unnecessary burdens on pet owners by increasing licensing fees.

The city's Animal Care and Control Division insists that pet owners have microchips in their dogs and cats or risk being punished with higher fees. It doesn't seem to matter that a pet is spayed or neutered or that a pet has its shots or that a pet has a good and loving home.

Excuse me, but the pets are not the city's unless it claims eminent domain on animals, too. I'm all for pets, but couldn't care less about City Hall's shoddy money-making tactics.

- Sandra Richards, Fort Worth

Forget the incentives

Don't use $10.7 million to keep RadioShack in Fort Worth. Instead, open the libraries and swimming pools, and fix the streets. This will benefit all of us who live in Fort Worth. This is what we need.

-- Ann Chambers, Fort Worth

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