Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Anywhere but here, Part 2

So what do the Cowboys have that the kids on Carter don't?

Media Attention

WHO's Next?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jerry Jones and gas drilling industry definitely have deep and large pockets, which they need to put the local "representatives of the people". I hope one or more of these precious kids will grow up to be an attorney or community leader so that they can put PEOPLE BEFORE PROFIT/PIPELINES. What kind of community will they inherit? I pray that they will NOT HAVE TO CLEAN UP AFTER us and the drillers, who would have moved on and leaving thousands of holes in the ground and pipelines everywhere. WE'RE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE A BETTER PLACE AND BETTER LIVES FOR THE NEXT GENERATION--WHAT WILL THEY SAY ABOUT AND TO US IN 10 YEARS WHEN THESE KIDS AND OTHER CHILDREN TAKE THEIR PLACE AS ADULT MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY?