Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Money MIA

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram newspaper is full of interesting items of late.

The Editorial Board saying they are embarrassed by mayor and council due to the latest HUD fiasco, saying "few officials realized it or they ignored it or, worse yet, perhaps didn’t care enough to do something about it."

This coming from the same Editorial Board that supported all Fort Worth incumbents for relection this month?

"In addition, the government’s concern over the HUD allocation has caused officials to wonder whether the city is capable of handling money it would receive from the federal stimulus package".

Does this mean the government is catching on to what the people have been saying?

The newspaper also claims Fort Worth's budget is now $61 billion dollars short and growing. "Unlike the federal government, cities are prohibited by law from running deficits. The options for closing the gap aren’t pleasant.
This year’s budget shortfall is presenting a reality check for Fort Worth politicians and the populace. You can’t spend more than you bring in, and if you aren’t bringing in as much as before, you have two options: Raise taxes or cut services".

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