Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Breaking" News

Incoming from Trophy Club....

WHO owns your "news"?

As you are probably aware, the Star-Telegram Times Register is the official paper of the Town of Trophy Club via a Town Council resolution.  Unfortunately, this has resulted in an improper relationship between the current administration and the Times Register reporters and editors.

As a result of this improper relationship, no information which could possibly be construed as a negative reflection on the current administration is ever printed in the Times Register.  

Your coverage of the 26 acre proposed development is a good example of this.  While the Star-Telegram has published factually inaccurate articles claiming that only a few Trophy Club citizens have concerns over this development, you are willing to publish a much less biased article detailing the issues.

This highlights a much larger issue with this improper relationship between the Times Register and the current administration.  The Mayor and MUD board members are currently engaged in a 2 year long SLAPP(Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation) lawsuit against a Trophy Club citizen. The Time register refuses to publish anything about this SLAPP action and Trophy Club citizens are blissfully unaware of the risk they take when they petition corrupt officials in their local government for redress.

The SLAPP litigation against this citizen was initiated because he revealed that the MUD was placed under an agreed order by the EPA for violations of the clean water act and as a result forced to spend 3 million on wastewater treatment upgrades(see attached). Of course the Times Register glossed this issue over when Lee Graham published a wildly inaccurate and biased article entitled "MUD Water Woes Wrapped Up".

Feel free to review Denton County Court case No. 2009-60142-393 for more details and keep up the good work reporting the facts.

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