Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Anyone see a pattern here?

Another Letter to the Editor in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.  You should ask your Congresswoman and Mayor these questions.  IF you get a response, share it.

Do people lose their common sense when voted into a political office? Or do they become so power-hungry that they don't consider what is best for their constituency?

Fort Worth City Council members are spending $821,000 on a study about streetcars at a time when they are talking about closing libraries. The council also is spending millions of taxpayer dollars on the Trinity River Vision boondoggle.

They seem to have lost track of priorities. It is a disservice to the north-side community to close a well-utilized and vibrant library in a lower income area. Each time I enter the Northside branch, it is full of people. The computers are all being used. People are reading and checking out materials, and the employees are helping patrons.

I am sure there are other areas where taxpayer money is wasted that can be sacrificed to keep vibrant neighborhood libraries opened.

-- Susan Blume, Fort Worth

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