Monday, July 26, 2010

More than meets the eye...

In Combine, Texas the majority of the police department has been let go by the council.  Watch the report at

Reasons stated - to save money and to bring in new blood...and then there was this:

But some officers also blame small-town politics. Some of the officers said they were investigating two Council members for minor crimes. They feel that the force was wiped out in retaliation.

Ratcliff denies that assertion. "There was an attempt made to intimidate the Council," he said. "I think they'll be smart not to say anything else about that, and I'll be smart enough, too."

Come to find out, Mr.Ratcliff's wife is Mayor Pro Tem.  Wonder WHO they were investigating? 

It ain't just small town, actually it sounds like the a big city we know of.

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