Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sqeaky Wheel

WFAA has done an ongoing investigation about unsafe HOV lanes are causing more crashes and deaths. They continue to point out how safety is being ignored. It has been the best reporting we have seen of late.

There will be a public meeting Thursday at 10:00 a.m.

Where? At the "COG" office in Arlington, 616 Six Flags Drive. We have told you about the NCTCOG before. They seem to come up often.

In the past 3 days DART police (WHO exactly are they?) have written 150 tickets in the HOV lanes. Last year through this time, they had written 71.
Six cops writing tickets the day before the Safety hearing.

If you would like to see all the reports go to

If you go to the meeting, let us know the outcome.

Although we have a feeling we already know what it is.

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