Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We hear you

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has many interesting Letters to the Editor today. From the poor state of media coverage (including disdain with the Editorial Board) to your elected officials being sold to the highest bidder.

We are glad the citizens are using their voice.

As usual, our question is - WHO's listening?

Below is our favorite one posted today, though you should read all of them here.
Thank you Ms. Anderson!

We will not be quiet

I am frustrated with the mainstream media and their coverage of the current turmoil within our country. I did not appreciate watching the Sunday morning news shows only to be told people should be more civil. We should quietly listen to our president and be more like children — seen but not heard.

The media need to reclaim their role of nonbiased reporting of the facts. When was the last time that many marched on Washington? Why does that receive barely a mention on the evening news? In the past, the media could bring light to the plight and concerns of the people of this country; they were the champions of the people. Now it seems they are working to keep us quiet and are purposely ignoring our outcry for attention.

The American people feel betrayed by those they elected to represent them and this needs to be acknowledged by the media. We will not be quiet or civil no matter how much you ignore us. Mainstream media, come back to nonbiased coverage of the facts or we will not watch your programs or buy the products your sponsors advertise.

— Laura Anderson, Weatherford

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