Monday, March 15, 2010

WHO Pays?

WHO will pay for the Trinity River Vision?

YOU. And your kids, and your grand kids...

Don't believe us? Ask Keller. They are paying for their Town Center. They didn't get a say either.


It seems the Town Center has not made enough cash to pay its bills since it was built.

$3.9 million subsidized, with another $4.5 million needed. How much, the taxpayers want to know? 1.4 cents on the tax rate!


Because the city borrowed $33 million to build it.

"...with hopes that the tax dollars raised in the district would pay off the loan, City Manager Dan O'Leary said."

So it was built on hopes it would pay for itself... Starting to sound familiar yet? No? How about this?

To finance construction, the city issued certificates of obligation, which did not require a bond election, but taxpayers are obligated to pay.


Did they just say the taxpayers are paying for this development and they didn't get a vote?

Fort Worth, are you listening?

Listen at the Keller Meeting, March 23rd @ City Council Meeting, where the public will NOW have a chance to speak. AFTER the fact. Better speak up Fort Worth. If not for you, for your children.

This is said to be a Fort Worth Star-Telegram article, but the only place we could locate it is here. Odd, since it's only a few days old.


  1. The Star-Telegram is quickly losing it journalistic integrity--for good reasons. Be honest and don't call yourself an objective newspaper in the traditional sense.

  2. What's a billion tax dollars, give or take, mostly give--to the Grangers and other beneficiaries. Giving is good. These are good Bible-believing and practicing people: it is better to give than to receivee, esp. $130,ooo.oo annual "salary" for a made up job for "ma boy since I'm bringin' home the bacon".
