Monday, March 15, 2010

What in the...????

We have gotten tons of emails asking what the latest is on the Carter Avenue Pipeline. Well, the scandal has taken yet another turn.

Texas Lone Star had a representative in the courtroom during Steve Doeung's hearing, our representative, along with the other Carter Avenue supporters packed in the courtroom heard Judge Sprinkle say, repeatedly, WHEN he signed the order, Steve would have 30 days to appeal or file a motion to dismiss. Judge Sprinkle also said Steve would be notified when this took place.

We're told, that this morning Steve went to the courthouse to file yet another petition to try and save his home. Unfortunately, Judge Sprinkle's Clerk approached Steve and told him that the order was signed on Tuesday, March 9th and THE CASE WAS CLOSED. We beg your pardon? Steve was not allowed to file anything and told they couldn't help him there. WHO can? And WHERE?

If the order was signed, taking away a taxpayers property, and giving it to a corporation, WHY was the taxpayer not notified (AGAIN)? This reminds us of the antics in the courtroom when the attorneys presented Steve with the paperwork against him, that he hasn't ever seen, even though it was from last year. WHERE is the justice?

If Steve's councilwoman, Kathleen Hicks is working hard ("my continuing effort to ensure that a Chesapeake gas pipeline does not go down Carter Avenue.") and there is an alternative route in play, WHY do they need to move forward with taking Steve's property? ASK HER. TODAY.

Somebody call Senator Davis too, please. She was the one being vocal about them "backing away from the suit". We all need her help.

If all of these things are taking place - WHERE IS THE NEWS? You know, the unbiased media? Someone should ask them too.


  1. this gas scandal STINKS

  2. You just gotta read the FW Weeley story about Steve and his case (01/13/10 issue) to get a better understanding of who, what, and why AND WHAT VETERAN ACTIVISTS AND COMMUNITY LEADERS THINK: Steve's extrordinary Alamo-like battle against the assaults from CHK and City has both substantive (i.e. exposes unjust/corrupted laws, system, and various entities and persons) and symbolic meanings (i.e. his courage and success might/will lead others to stand up and resist the oppressive conditions in the B.S. area). The more these dirty tricks and schemes they employ, the stronger Steve's case grows and the more "citizens of America" (not some bogus shaleheads)rise up in support b/c they know it's wrong and that they could be the next prey and victim if this is unjustice allowed to go on.
