Wednesday, November 22, 2017

No More Tolls!

Save the Date
Our next meeting is Nov. 30 

If you're near San Antonio, be the first to get an up-to-the-minute report on Texas toll road developments, who needs to be held accountable at the ballot box, and how you can engage to hold their feet to the fire!

Next TTH Meeting
Thurs., Nov. 30
Chester's Hamburgers
16609 San Pedro
San Antonio, TX 78232
6:00 PM
(Order dinner on your own)
6:30 PM
(Meeting begins)

Spread the word and bring a friend!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Different verse, same as the first

Remember what these folks wanted to know about their 'leaders'...what they knew and when they knew it.

Now that the reservoirs have done what they were built to do, and houses built in those reservoirs have flooded, insurers and homeowners are reading through the fine print and trying to sort out who knew what and when they knew it. Some are suing the government for flooding their houses by letting the water back up.

That government action — or inaction, if you prefer — artificially increased the value of the land. The developers were able to price reservoir land like the high ground nearby.

Analysis: It was a "taking," but who got taken?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Amazon HQ2 on a Fort Worth island?

Former Seattlite Durango's advice to Amazon about their possible decision to locate their 2nd corporate headquarters on Fort Worth's imaginary Panther Island.

Look At Fort Worth's Industrial Wasteland Boondoggle Location For Amazon HQ2.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Buckle up, Buttercups!

Dallas has its eyes on Houston when it comes to flooding and political BS.  They should look just a few miles upstream from them.

When the FW frat boys release the water, WHERE do you think it’s going to go?

Same story, same players, different exit off I-30.

Harvey Is Scaring Houston Straight on Flood Safety, but Dallas May Take Longer

Don’t think for a minute Houston is less safe than we are because it’s near the ocean. Dallas is unsafe because it’s near idiots. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

When the levee breaks…

Oh wait, your congresswoman just wants to get rid of them all together.

Either way, remember this –

Crippled Houston watches dams, levees; forecast offers hope

A pair of 70-year-old reservoir dams that protect downtown Houston and a levee in a suburban subdivision began overflowing Tuesday, adding to the rising floodwaters from Harvey that have crippled the area after five consecutive days of rain that set a new continental U.S. record for rainfall for a tropical system.

Brazoria County authorities posted a message on Twitter warning that the levee at Columbia Lakes south of Houston had been breached and telling people to "GET OUT NOW!!" Brazoria County Judge Matt Sebesta said residents were warned that the levee would be overtopped at some point, and a mandatory evacuation order was given Sunday.

Engineers began releasing water from the Addicks and Barker reservoirs Monday to ease the strain on the dams. But the releases were not enough to relieve the pressure after one of the heaviest downpours in U.S. history, Army Corps of Engineers officials said. Both reservoirs are at record highs.

The release of the water means that more homes and streets will flood, and some homes will be inundated for up to a month, said Jeff Lindner of the Harris County Flood Control District.

The county is trying to determine where the water will go, Lindner said.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Thanks, Dear Reader. Keep up the fight.

A little blog named The Star Telegraph covered this topic first on February 22, 2015 and in doing so scooped some of the largest newspapers in the U.S.  

Congratulations Star Telegraph!  This just proves that publishing the facts is what constitutes good journalism; not huge subscriber numbers.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The rest of story...

Letters to the Editor in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram regarding Fort Worth Congresswoman Kay Granger's refusal to conduct town hall meetings...

Kay Granger and town halls

I am the “man at the wedding” referred to in your Sunday (July 16) article in which Congresswoman Kay Granger stated she refuses to conduct town hall meetings.

At no time during our brief conversation did I scream at Ms. Granger. I did, as the article correctly states, ask her when she would conduct a town hall meeting.

Two things are clear: Granger represents only the constituents who voted for her. Second, she is using a recent wedding encounter in an attempt to excuse years of neglecting her constituents’ concerns and opinions.


I was at that wedding. The man Granger refers to is a friend of mine. In fact, we were sitting at the same table. He did indeed ask her why she didn’t have a town hall. He asked bluntly but civilly. She said it was too dangerous and reprimanded him for challenging her. Her overreaction was so extreme I was embarrassed for her.

I do not know the source of Kay’s fear of her own constituents. Perhaps it’s because she has voted for every gun bill that’s come down the pike, given she pays more attention to the demands of the NRA than to the people she represents. So now she’s afraid everyone will be packing a gun?

Kay, you were once a woman of valor. What has happened to you? You chose to be a public servant. If you are too afraid of your own constituents, either grow a spine or get a new job.


I understand why Kay Granger might choose to take the position that it is in the best interests of the health of Granger herself and of her constituents that she not hold town meetings to hear the opinions of her constituents on such matters as health care. But does she understand that her support of the Republican “health care” bill is dangerous to the health of those constituents with whom she is refusing to meet?


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Another Woodard says....

Wake up, Fort Worth!

Water Board election: Blake Woodard's letter to voters

April 29, 2017

Breaking News: Cities of Fort Worth and Dallas merge pension plans

Fellow Tarrant Regional Water District voter:

I’m only joking about Fort Worth’s pension plan. Of course, no sane Fort Worth leader would recommend merging our city’s retirement plan with Dallas’ ailing pension plan. However, our Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) leaders are physically merging TRWD’s precious lakes with Dallas’ water system with a $2.3 billion pipeline called the Integrated Pipeline (IPL).

Which is more important: Fort Worth’s pension plan or Fort Worth’s water?

You may have received a mailer from Mike Moncrief or read a Star-Telegram editorial written by retiring TRWD president Vic Henderson about the importance of local control of Fort Worth water. Henderson and Moncrief imply that if you re-elect our independent candidate, TRWD director Mary Kelleher, Fort Worth’s water will be taken over by Monty Bennett, who donated to Mary’s campaign.

Bennett, whose company owns the Ashton and Hilton Hotels in downtown Fort Worth, lives in east Texas and has sued the TRWD over its use of eminent domain to build Dallas’ portion of the IPL across his land. That’s right: Our TRWD Board is wasting millions of taxpayer dollars in a lawsuit over their construction of Dallas’ sections of the IPL.

And where does that litigated Dallas portion of the IPL go? It goes to Lake Palestine, a lake so distant that even TRWD engineers stated in a disturbing 2012 “Water Sharing Plan” for Fort Worth and Dallas that there is “little to no benefit . . . for TRWD to pump water from Lake Palestine.” Access to Lake Palestine was the box of beads Dallas gave TRWD for access to Fort Worth’s prize lakes.

The irony is that it is the other TRWD directors, not Mary, who relentlessly have pursued a water sharing plan with Dallas. That explains why numerous Dallas billionaires and millionaires have donated vast sums to TRWD board candidates (other than Mary) these past two election cycles.

Big D has big water problems. During the 2013-2014 drought, their water levels were much worse than ours, and Lake Palestine, their remote southeastern lake, has no pipeline connecting it to Dallas’ other lakes. Building a 50-mile pipeline is costly, as is the energy to pump water uphill to Dallas’ higher-elevation northern lakes.

TRWD has no such problems. It has two pipelines connecting its prized Cedar Creek and Richland Chambers reservoirs to Lake Benbrook, and these lakes require much less energy to pump water to Fort Worth or Dallas than would Lake Palestine.

The IPL increases TRWD’s pipeline redundancy but isn’t a significant source of new water for Fort Worth, as it adds no new Fort Worth lakes. Meanwhile, the IPL gives Dallas a connection to Lake Palestine and its first siphon into our lakes, creating the possibility that someday Fort Worth will be fighting Dallas for water.

Do you want Dallas to use Fort Worth’s water during droughts? The IPL makes the unimaginable possible: Once the TRWD and Dallas lakes are connected, we are but one legislative session away from a de facto merger of the two water districts.

As TRWD voters, we already have no input into our local water policy. We are told when to water our yards and what kind of toilets to sit on. How much say will we have with a DFW Water District?

It’s no surprise that when I wrote a letter like this two years ago the only hate mail I received came from Dallas. Stop by my office, and I’ll show it to you. Dallas desperately needs the IPL. Fort Worth doesn’t.

So if the other four TRWD directors are the ones helping Dallas tap into our lakes, why are Henderson and Moncrief telling us that re-electing Mary Kelleher will jeopardize control of Fort Worth’s water? Of course it’s a nonsensical statement, as Mary is but one of five directors. The other four still can win every vote 4-1. When the expensive mailers hit your mailbox, let logic guide your reading.

I think Henderson and Moncrief are telling you that Mary is a threat to Fort Worth water, because they can’t stand having an outsider in their exclusive club. Mary Kelleher is your candidate. She is our only sunlight on a shadowy government body with a long history of backroom, good-ol’ boy behavior. Let me be clear that I am not speaking of the dedicated TRWD employees who operate the lakes and pipelines and take care of the district’s daily business.

You may be familiar with some of the legendary TRWD management shenanigans, which are beyond the scope of this letter. The local media cannot keep an eye on these guys constantly. Mary Kelleher’s eyes are your eyes. Mary is you.

If we fail to re-elect Mary, we have lost our seat at the table of a Board whose other four directors all are recruited by the same people, funded by the same people, and influenced by the same people. The only way we can retain one seat at the table is if we vote in droves this TRWD election. The special interests will vote. Will you?

Combine the gerrymandered TRWD boundaries, which deny many TRWD customers a vote, with the 1960s-era at-large voting and a small turnout for a sleepy Water District race, and the special interests who profit from TRWD’s lucrative contracts easily can win an election with just their family, friends, and a few thousand mysterious mail-in ballots. (By the way, if you received a mail-in ballot that you did not request, please e-mail me.)

Everyone benefits from having one independent citizen at the TRWD Board table asking the tough questions the others may be too conflicted to ask. 4-1 is much better for Fort Worth than 5-0.

Let’s put Fort Worth first and turn out by the thousands in this year’s TRWD Board election on Saturday, May 6.

You get three votes: Please vote for Mary Kelleher and then discard your other two votes.

Blake Woodard

P.S. This letter is going to a limited number of voters, so please e-mail me at for a PDF you can send your friends or post on social media.

(Blake Woodard is a Fort Worth insurance executive and serves as treasurer for incumbent water board member Mary Kelleher's re-election campaign.)

Monday, May 1, 2017

Dallas Money Flooding TRWD Race

And it is not the alleged Dallas boogyman, Monty Bennett, whose Dallas money flooding the TRWD race we are talking about---

Shocking TRWD Board Election Campaign Finance Reports

Thursday, April 13, 2017

YOU are invited

There is a toxic wastewater injection well proposed to go in right next to Lake Arlington with no public hearing.

This is the drinking water for half a million people.

This forum will be the only chance to raise our concerns in front of the Railroad Commission.

Please attend this forum being organized for the community by Rep. Nicole Collier.

Learn more about the plan to put an injection well for toxic gas drilling waste right by Lake Arlington at SAVE LAKE ARLINGTON.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Just so you know...

When you cast your vote for Mary Kelleher, also cast one for Andra Beatty-

She's a Rockstar!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Say WHAT???

No one was surprised when the Greater Fort Worth Association of Realtors (we know -WHO??) endorsed all the incumbents, it's what they do. They fall in line and stay in line.

What was surprising (laughable, really) was their Tarrant Regional Water District race endorsements.

There are currently 3 seats up for election.

No one was surprised they picked the two establishment puppet candidates, but some were surprised they didn't pick a third candidate. Not the establishment incumbent (not a big surprise as he doesn't speak) but they didn't pick one of their own!  Not just a Fort Worth realtor, but the - Fort Worth Texas Magazine top realtor.

Sound fishy? Almost as fishy as that Trinity River smell.

We'll be taking a closer look at this board of 17 'realtors' and getting back with you.  Maybe we'll be seeing them at their candidate fundraiser hosted by Mike Moncrief. Smell that?

Texas Lone Star will be endorsing Mary Kelleher & Andra Beatty, two citizens who will work for YOU, not the FW establishment or their kids.

Join us. YOU can't afford not to.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Fort Worth doesn't like Cats...

Another beautiful gem in Fort Worth gone to waste.  Who is involved? All the same old playa's. Same old story. We'd tell you but it's a secret. Yes, you'll pay for it, again, but your council member can't provide details. You can read all the latest about Jim Lane's decade long pet project in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Last pitch for LaGrave Field? Fort Worth baseball park falls into disrepair

“So much is going on, but right now it can’t be shared,” Presswood said.

Shingleton and other Fort Worth leaders said there is a plan in the works to possibly swap land owned by the Tarrant Regional Water District, but he couldn’t provide details.

Whether the water district is willing to engage in such a swap isn’t clear. An arm of that agency known as the Trinity River Vision Authority is building an ambitious, $900 million-plus project known as Panther Island, which includes the re-channeling of the river and development of surrounding area into a high-end, mixed-use commercial and residential neighborhood.

LaGrave Field was built on land that would become part of Panther Island once the river is re-channeled. And the Trinity River Vision Authority has many acres of land that — theoretically, at least — could be swapped.

Fort Worth lawyer Jim Lane, a member of the Tarrant Regional Water District, is among the believers. But he said the key is for the city, Tarrant County and the water district to work together and find a solution that puts the ballpark in public hands. That way, he said, the Cats can return to play without worrying as much about whether their lease will be renewed.

“Not a day has gone by since the Cats last played that I haven’t tried to figure out how to bring them back,” Lane said. “We’re working on a couple of things right now — the city, the county and the water district. The Cats are the oldest baseball team in Texas. They are part of Fort Worth’s heritage. Here we are spending all this money on the Stockyards and Panther Island and the ballpark is deteriorating. It shouldn’t happen. A lot of us are just not going to let it happen.”

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Texas Politicians making a name for themselves…

All the way to the U.K.

Some can’t be bothered for a town hall and some can’t keep it together.

'You sir, shut up!' Texas Republican Joe Barton tells town hall audience member

The GOP representative was heckled for his response to a question on women's rights.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

YOU are invited

YOU can't afford not to attend.

Monday, April 17
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: Texas State Capitol
1100 Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78701
(meet on the South Capitol steps)

Concerned citizens from across the state will gather in Austin to interact with lawmakers on transportation-related issues. We've seen a massive increase in our cost to drive through tolls, handing control of our public roads to private foreign corporations, and unsustainable debt sweep the state, with more to come unless we make our voices heard.

This is a day when CITIZEN lobbyists come to the Capitol to advocate on what matters to grassroots Texans -- like getting an affordable, pro-taxpayer transportation policy in place.

Lots of activities planned:

  • a press conference,
  • have our group recognized from the House and Senate floor,
  • visit offices and speak to legislators,
  • lawmakers address TURF group in special 'Legislative Hangout' Q&A
  • breakout sessions including: 'Social Media 'how to'', 'Follow the Money', 'Voter Fraud' 
  • and a lot more!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Hey Abbott & Paxton -

How are backroom deals like this, that screw the taxpayer, happening on YOUR "conservative" watch?

We're waiting..

Where do you think Dallas learned it?

In reading the Dallas Observer story about screwing up the Trinity River and then asking the USACE for special favors we’re reminded of a Tarrant Regional Water District meeting just last week, where a board member repeatedly asks about the special exemptions they’ve asked of the USACE.  And WHO asked for them.  The head of Trinity River Vision, or Panther Island or Central City or whatever they are calling America’s Biggest Boondoggle this week, repeatedly answers that question with, “Congress”.  So one would think all 435 members of congress asked for a special exemption for Fort Worth.  In further questioning it is clear that by “congress” he meant - his mom.

You can read about the Dallas disaster here-
If You’re City Hall and You Get Caught, Get the Law Changed. You’re That Cool.
So if you want an example of why people resent and mistrust government, take a look at what Dallas City Hall is trying to do with the botched concrete kayak park the city stuck in the river years ago at a cost to taxpayers at the time of somewhere between $4 and $5 million. Even though the city admits the whole thing is now worthless and even though they admit it screws up the river, City Hall wants to use its clout as a government entity to get out of doing anything.

And you can watch the Fort Worth fiasco here- (the question/answer repeat starts about 1 hour, 18 minutes in)

You can’t make this stuff up.

Friday, February 10, 2017

WHO's their bitch?

You are.

You better hope like hell it never happens in your hood. Do they drill in the hoods where the RRC's and their donors live?

Notice a Dallas jury, the city who banned this crap, sided with the family. Then it was overturned and the attorneys have dropped their clients and moved on.

There's a special place in hell...

Read more in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Wise County family won’t appeal loss of $2.9 million judgment against driller

The Parrs presented medical evidence that the drilling activity caused nose bleeds, irregular heartbeat and muscle spams, among other things.

In 2014, a Dallas County jury found that Aruba did indeed create a nuisance that substantially interfered with the family’s use of the land and awarded them $2.4 million for mental anguish, $275,000 for lost property value and $250,000 for pain and suffering. The appeals court decision wipes out that judgment.

There was ample evidence that the family was having problems and it is all documented, Lisa Parr said. Since the case when to trial, Aruba has shut down the well site, so there isn’t any additional contamination. But she said her family will “never be the same.”

The family spent $350,000 for medical treatments and testing of their property, and also invested some of the money it received in its other settlements to pursue the Aruba case, Parr said. Now, that’s all over.

“It is going to make it harder [to challenge the industry],” Parr said of the court’s ruling. There was ample evidence her family was having problems, but this ruling makes it hard to see what it will take to prove it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Urgent Fort Worth

If you're okay with having a concrete recycling operation near your home, there's no need to do anything.

A message from Mary Kelleher -

Attention Fort Worth east side!


In July, I posted about illegal concrete recycling operations on the east side. Here's an update! 

The operations were stopped by the City of Fort Worth and the developer is currently being investigated by the City, USACE, and EPA for his illegal operations. Now he's trying to make his concrete recycling operations legal by requesting a zoning change. Somehow, the notice fell through our cracks and this is being presented at zoning tomorrow at 1 PM. 

I have attached a link below with information about the potential dangers of having concrete recycling operations near neighborhoods. 

If you're okay with having a concrete recycling operation near your home, there's no need to do anything. If you're not okay with this, please email  first thing in the morning. It can be an email as simple as "My name is ------ and I am opposed to ZC-17-016. I do not want concrete recycling in my neighborhood." 

If anyone is available to speak at the hearing tomorrow, please message me.


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Fort Worth Way

After you read the article on what Judge Glen Whitley is up to this time, think about WHO do YOU want representing YOU.

Read the comment left from Tarrant Regional Water District candidate below---

Another Example of Cronyism?

Andra Estes Beatty I have been attending the TRWD Tarrant Regional Water District meetings for the past 2 years. I was at a meeting that happened right after the election where they awarded their accounting contract to Whitley-Penn. Mary Kelleher questioned the other board members about the ethical implications and how this would appear. They truly had no problem with moving forward to change the accounting firm from one that had been with them many years to one that helped them campaign. I was very proud of Mary for asking the tough questions. It was a difficult meeting but she stood strong.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Nothing was ever done, it just got worse

That should be Fort Worth’s motto.  It would apply to flooding as well as their local “news” paper.  In the latest Fort Worth flood puff piece, not one word in it about the Trinity River Vision (Or Panther Island or whatever the call the World’s Biggest Boondoggle these days).

 Wouldn’t a real reporter ask – Which of the areas in red on the map will the Trinity River Vision save us from?  A real reporter would…but we don’t have any allowed to ask those questions here.  A real reporter might also ask, if it is going to cost a billion to fix our flooding, and it’s going to cost a billion for development (which in previous examples, exacerbates the flooding) WHY wouldn’t we fix the REAL flooding?  Feel free to ask YOUR congresswoman.  It is YOUR money after all.

Speaking of YOUR money.  They are using it to do yet, ANOTHER study.  Are you surprised?  No, we didn’t think so.  It’s what we do.  We spend lots of time and lots of money on “flood” studies.  They all say the same thing.  If you continue to build and produce more run off, while not fixing any current issues or your aging infrastructure, water rises.  Properties will be destroyed and lives will be lost.

Also, wasn’t the Fort Worth flooding price tag at a billion dollars in 2009?

More Water Whoa's

Where were the quotes from the Tarrant Regional Water District? You know, that agency responsible for “flood control”?

The only quote we saw from any TRWD water board member from Mary Kelleher who is running for the water district again this May.  Remember her name.

A current TRWD Board Member would love the opportunity to tell y'all just how our taxes are being wasted...

My name is Mary Kelleher and I'm currently on the Board of the TRWD (Tarrant Regional Water District). I'm frequently criticized by my fellow board members (Victor Henderson, Jack Stevens, Jim Lane, and Marty Leonard) for fighting for people like us against wasteful spending by people like politicians and Fort Worth Way Good Ole Boys and Girls. I could really use your help. Here's just an example:

In 2004, the citizens of Fort Worth voted for Proposition 1; the ballot read, “The issuance of public securities for street and storm sewer improvements in the aggregate sum of $232,000,000.” What the people didn’t know was this money was going to be used for the design and construction of the Trinity River Vision. 

In 2008, citizens of Fort Worth voted for another Proposition 1. The ballot read, “The issuance of public securities for street improvements in the aggregate sum of $150,000,000.” What the people didn’t know was this money was going to be used for three bridges over the TRV bypass channel. The bridges are to be built over dry land and the water will come later IF federal funding is still available by then.

So....while millions of our tax dollars go to this frivolous economic development project disguised as flood of our city are truly suffering unprecedented flooding as the city has failed to plan for the spike in development and its effects on our now-inadequate infrastructure. 

I will soon be posting more information you really need to know. If we're not already friends on FB, please add me. Thanks.

And if you think Durango has something to say about American’s Biggest Boondoggle being MIA from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Fort Worth Flooding article, you’d be correct –

How About Fixing Real Fort Worth Flood Issues? 

The Boondoggle wants to remove those levees and replace them with a flood diversion ditch. However, the inept Boondoggle has been stymied for a long time now by being unable to figure out how to build three simple  little bridges over dry land to connect the Fort Worth mainland to an imaginary island.

Today's Star-Telegram article about flooding issues has nothing to do with the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's inept flood control project. The article is about actual flash flooding which has repeatedly occurred in other areas of Fort Worth.

Many have long opined regarding the ridiculous wastefulness of throwing money away on an un-needed flood control project where there are no floods, while Fort Worth and Tarrant County have actual serious, deadly flash flood issues.

Such as the deadly flash floods which have occurred in Haltom City. 

The Haltom City flood issues have largely been ignored, including being ignored by Congresswoman Kay Granger, who surveyed the Haltom City floods, but did nothing. 

Kay Granger's efforts have gone into securing federal funds for America's Biggest Boondoggle, where there are no floods, but is a project which was able to give her son, J.D., a job for which he was totally not qualified, for which he has been paid well over $1 million during his reign of incompetence.

There are so many things you can’t afford to miss in this article, we will try and just leave you with a few.  That way in a few more years, when this article is chopped up and reran, with the same numbers and the same neighborhoods under water, you can see just how little was ever done.

Fixing Fort Worth flooding issues could top $1 billion, report says
(the Star-Telegram article link may be blocked by their paywall, if so, go incognito)

But, Greg Simmons, manager of the city’s stormwater management program, now says, “What we’ve learned in the time since then, is the $500 million backlog is really a lot bigger” and that the figure only represents the most critical projects. All told, fixing the city’s storm-water problems could top $1 billion, he said.

Looking at fixing the single-worst flooding issue in each of the eight council districts alone adds up to as much as $170 million, Simmons said.

Worst Fort Worth flood areas
Fort Worth could spend up to $170 million to fix the worst flooding issue in each city council district and as much as $1 billion to fix all issues citywide. The city's stormwater utility has mapped where the top flooding issue in each district is located.

Flooding in the Arlington Heights neighborhood, which has gone on for years, has received a good deal of attention recently. In the past few months, several residents addressed council members during the public comment portion of council meetings, showing brief videos and pictures of the streams of rapid waters near homes and down streets. And the damage in their wake.

The residents told the council they have patiently waited their turn for help on the issue.

“We west Arlington Heights property owners believe that we’re perfectly within our rights to expect to have a working underground stormwater infrastructure, even if it is expensive,” said Teri Kramer, who lives on Pershing Avenue. “It’s a terrible precedent to say it’s too expensive. That’s what scares me the most.”

And many other locations in the city have similar problems, but most of the serious problems are in the central city, or within Loop 820, where Simmons said the drainage system is below current standards.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Well that can't be good

Mayor Price did not make a good impression at the community meeting.

Price was scolded by the Rev. Michael Bell after she cautioned the crowd that the meeting could not turn into “just a bitch session.” Bell said that the residents were not children and that she could not talk to the community in that way.

Tense Discussion In Fort Worth Over Controversial Arrest