Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Fort Worth Way

After you read the article on what Judge Glen Whitley is up to this time, think about WHO do YOU want representing YOU.

Read the comment left from Tarrant Regional Water District candidate below---

Another Example of Cronyism?

Andra Estes Beatty I have been attending the TRWD Tarrant Regional Water District meetings for the past 2 years. I was at a meeting that happened right after the election where they awarded their accounting contract to Whitley-Penn. Mary Kelleher questioned the other board members about the ethical implications and how this would appear. They truly had no problem with moving forward to change the accounting firm from one that had been with them many years to one that helped them campaign. I was very proud of Mary for asking the tough questions. It was a difficult meeting but she stood strong.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that the very same Whitley who tried to explain away TRWD vote fraud in the October article at http://www.fortworthbusiness.com/news/more-details-emerge-in-voter-fraud-investigation-in-tarrant-county/article_605efe4e-95a8-11e6-b480-c31b983a97e4.html ?
