Monday, December 12, 2011

WHO's news??

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram recently claimed they were YOUR paper.

Funny, we received an email from an active Fort Worth citizen that tells a much different story.  What happens when the officials and industry are your only customers?

The Fort Worth Startlegram has blocked me from making online comments on their stories because of my prolific responses to stories about bad air quality and the negative impacts of gas drilling on ground water sources. Also, I would imagine their censorship is because I will not back down from the real jerks who post on the ST site! Sad...truly sad that if it were not for the Associated Press and the New York Times, the ST would not even report on any of this crap we are having to deal with because of corrupt elected officials and an industry that cares not for any of us. I guess advertising dollars are more important to the ST than we are!


  1. Well, who is this anonymous person and where are their unpublished comments? I know of no gas drilling critic muffled this way and it;s a pretty small world.

  2. Well, Anonymous, tell us who YOU are and we'll ask the Fort Worth citizen if they know you.

  3. I doubt the Star-Telegram banned the anonymous user. I'm guessing the problem is just a glitch with Disqus. Disqus powers the ST comments and I have trouble almost everytime I leave a comment. Yahoo!, which I use to make comments with, does not get along well with Disqus. It takes me forever most times to login to Disqus from Yahoo.

    And the Startlegram often posts the same article multiple times that seems to confuse people who think their comments have been deleted or censored.
