Monday, May 23, 2011

With Friends like these...

WHO needs enemies?

Friday, our Congresswoman Kay Granger, sent a message to her "friends".  Not those on 7th Street or American Airlines, but all you little people. 

We're not sure if it's in response to TRIP, or the Up a Creek documentary, or citizens attending the TCC/TRV meeting Wednesday and asking questions.  They say timing is everything.

All we know is "The Truths about TRV" leave a lot to be desired.  We're reminded that the Fort Worth portion of the Trinity River Vision is $26 million.  That's a lot of money for a city that's broke.  And again, WHO's money is it?  WHERE will the rest of the money come from when the federal portion never comes through?  If not Fort Worth, will it be Tarrant County or the Tarrant Regional Water District?  Ah, yes, that's YOUR money too.

It's good to have friends...

And don't worry, they say the trolley car money isn't coming out of Fort Worth, we can't wait to see WHERE it's coming from.  Yes, the council voted down the streetcars, we've now heard JD Granger and his mom basically say, that doesn't matter.  Maybe that's WHY they want to pick YOUR new mayor.  Ms. Granger also says it will create a billion dollars of economic impact, so if we spend a billion for it, does that make it a wash?  WHO is it impacting exactly?

You can read more about it on Landslide Clyde.  YOU can't afford to miss it.

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