Thursday, May 26, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane

Kathleen Hicks, Fort Worth City Council woman sporting a JUDGE license plate on her Porsche.  Yes, we said Porsche.  And no, we don't know how a council woman in Fort Worth affords one.

Her supporters talk about what she has done in the district, like getting fancy lights.  What about the dark neighborhoods?  The ones that there are no money for lights? 

WHO has the story?  CBS 11.  YOU don't want to miss it.


  1. Don't you get plates from the Tax office? Does that mean Betsy gave Hicks special plates??

  2. My, my, those Sister City junkets have really upped her tastes in cars and bratty behavior. Mama needs to slap those plates off that car--fast.

  3. Invisible constituentMay 29, 2011 at 12:47 AM

    Give the golden child a break, okay. After she failed to get Carter Avenue massive gas pipeline route for Chesapeake in 09-10, her expected coronation as the first African-American mayor of Cowboy was dashed when mayor Gasbagger unceremoniously stripped her of being mayor pro tem to teach the other members of Team Chesapeake that they will pay a hefty price for not paying Chesapeake back for their supports.

    Since she can't be given the mayor title yet, judge will help her recover from the grief and loss.

    Instead of "onward and upward ", it's just "onward and extremely fast forward in racing sports car". Public service in action.
