Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Fort Worth Way...

Good letter to the editor from Don Woodard in today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Brings up some other questions we have received concerning the race for Fort Worth Mayor.

How is Jim Lane able to use Molly the Longhorn on his campaign signs?  Doesn't that belong to Fort Worth?  How is he able to put his signs on Tarrant Regional Water District property?  Is anyone else able to advertise on property owned by the taxpayers?

WHY would Kay Granger ask Betsy Price to run when Jim Lane is a champion of the Trinity River Vision / Mirage?  Because Lane is a democrat?  WHY would Betsy Price take a $100,000 a year pay cut to be Mayor?  WHO will make up that difference?  WHAT will it really cost? WHO will she answer to? 

Below is Mr.Woodard's latest -

Hawaii's state motto is "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness."

Is it right for Kay Granger to practice nepotism with a $140,000 job for her son?

Is it right for Tax Assessor Betsy Price to run for mayor while collecting a $140,000 salary?

Dan Barrett says, "It does not pass the smell test."

Here is how Shakespeare would say it: "There's something rotten in the State of Denmark."

Elect Cathy Hirt mayor -- our last best hope to kill the Trinity River Vision boondoggle.

-- Don Woodard Sr., Fort Worth

1 comment:

  1. The Molly logo was recently copyrighted by the city. This smells like denmark or maybe Dirty Ol' Town.
