Thursday, January 20, 2011

Way with words

We don't know him, but he made us all laugh.

Read it in the Letters to the Editor, Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Bedside manner

In the Jan. 12 Star-Telegram, Gov. Rick Perry said he doesn't see a fiscal catastrophe striking Texas anytime soon. That's good news, because I had thought the state's multibillion-dollar shortfall might be a problem.

Have you seen the Sprint commercial where the smarmy, it's-all-about-me doctor is more concerned with his cellphone bill than with his patient, a terrified football player with a shattered knee?

Perry is that doctor.

You're the jock on the table.

-- John Dycus, Arlington

1 comment:

  1. So Rick Perry's not a Jock supporter? OR IS HE ONE , in essence? Just wanted to get things straight, is all.
