Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Not local...yet

Here's a good timeline on the dead birds, fish, etc. They also bring up a good point about mainstream media. 

Mainstream media doesn't have time to research why thousands of creatures dying all over the planet, they are too busy blaming whatever political party they aren't in for the shootings last weekend. Disgusting.  The act itself and the part the media has played.

We need a new mainstream media.  One that asks questions.  And doesn't waste airtime giving their opinion.  You know what they say about opinions.

Read the timeline here.


  1. We don't need no stinkin mainstream media to explain what causes death and destruction around us. It's Fox News, their loony conservative friends, and those scary Tea Partiers.

    Thank goodness the American electorate are smart enough to keep these nutjobs from holding any position of power and influence. We the people are keeping these people where they belong. Or as the Rham-onator would say it,"We @#%% are#%& these @#$& where #$%&*&%$#".

  2. I would propose that your headline reads "Local...not COMPLETELY yet". It's already take hold locally. Just not completely yet is all

  3. Speaking of media and their professional and moral ethics, has any outlet besides the FW Weekly reported on the shenanigans at the FWISD with gas drilling-mineral leasing, which involved the unnecessary hiring of a high priced law firm to fill out a simple form protesting CHK's attempt to steal the minerals that we taxpayers/citizens own and entrusted with the school district?

    What about that class-less email from Trustee Needham assaulting another trustee for trying to do right by the public and the children?

    Are we still living in the U.S. ????
