Friday, December 3, 2010

USS Fort Worth

Or should it be SOS Fort Worth?

Now WHY would gas drillers be attending the christening of the USS Fort Worth with Mayor Moncrief and Congresswoman Granger?


And read about it on FWCANDO.


  1. ANSWER: because Chesapuke owns all these politicians. Check out any show involving the Mafia: first they operate in the shadows but eventually pride makes them come out and try to take on the roles of legitimate community leaders and philanthropists.

    They've "paid their dues" and now ready to collect on their "investments". If natural gas prices hadn't tanked in 2008, the Cowboys would be playing in Chesapuke Energy Stadium now.

  2. To answer your question: because they are in the same business. One group drills holes in our land and water. The other drills holes in our pocketbooks and government coffers. Which ever way you look at it, we the regular folks are getting screwed leaving environmental and financial holes for our kids to deal with. ..unless we band together and fight proactively like that Steve guy did against having that gigantic gas pipeline near his home and in his neighborhood. We can either pay the price now like old Steve or we can just for later. And a higher price at that, especially in deciding to allow the mess to take place and leaving it for others to clean up.
