Monday, November 22, 2010

Fort Worth's "Public" Energy Committee Hearing

More incoming from the "public" about the supposed "public" meeting...

I was lucky to be selected to represent one of the general members of the "public" to speak at the TX House of Representatives Energy Committee public hearing in Ft Worth today. This meeting was suppose to be targeting urban cities in the Barnett Shale so cities like Flower Mound doesn't hurt overall state efforts to "drill baby drill". It was clear from earlier dialogue of their concerns with neighboring states on board with drilling because they do not want Texas to lose any business to out of state competition. However, plenty of rural mayors showed up and was able to speak first, and much time was spent with their concerns such as that "although rural today, mudfarms and abandoned sites could be the future homes for new subdivisions".

I spoke about the SUP notification phase on this Truman/Cowboy Stadium site and how the sign was put on a road not visible to the general public (Truman Street by city ordinance is limited to commercial traffic). I presented over 275 petitions in opposition to this site from the area residents and businesses; they made copies of the petitions and are taking those back to Austin.

I told them that I have made it my full time job for the last six months putting in 8 to 10 hour days to learn about the industry since it has moved into our town. I said that it was a shame that a citizen has to do what an elected or paid public official should have been doing to do the necessary research to see how to better protect the public. I told them that the more I learned the more horrified I became.

I voiced my concerns of a one size fits all state Railroad Road Commission Ordinance because I don't trust the state to protect the public because the speaker before me representing the RRC just made a statement to Senator Davis that "produced water was just salt water". The RRC speaker was responding to a concern that Senator Davis had on the lack of oversight for pipelines that carry produced water for injection well disposal.

I said the whole industry is based on the lie that natural gas is the cleaner burning fuel. I cited a Cornell University study by Professor Howarth that accounts for the extraction, transportation, and methane leakage. This taken altogether makes natural gas as dirty as coal and that the industry & other stakeholders do not want the public to know this.

I said that there is so much room for improvement in the industry that can control emissions with vapor recovery systems. I told them that with compressor stations, they can use electric compressors, and if they have natural gas compressors in rural areas, that they can have catalysts to reduce emissions. I told them that formaldehyde was found near Lake Arlington's compressor station last May and I was able to have TCEQ retest last week, but that my friend who lived near there was buried last week. I didn't have to say cancer-everyone on the room knew or I could feel they did...I went on to say "we are getting there" because in following up on the four natural gas powered compressors on that site, I learned that they recently added three electric compressors. I cited this as a failed effort to have a TIMELY strong, local, protective ordinance that maybe could have made a difference years ago.

I ended by reminding folks that I knew that I was out of time but that I had so much to say, but what I did learn from all my research is that I will WANT to move away from all this drilling if that well goes in my neighborhood, but that I didn't know WHERE to move because drilling seems to be happening every where.

I felt some of the presentations by the industry were allowed more time than the "other-side" and Arlington Councilman Le Blanc read way past his allowed time. Some industry folks came in with a slide show showing how much money the industry has as if the energy committee was not aware.

We had representation from North Central Communities Alliance who was professional and calm as the polar opposite of my exit from the meeting as the TCEQ representative was allowed the closing speaking time (the majority of folks who came to speak were not allowed due to time constraints). The TCEQ person used the UTArlington site touting it as a training ground and a model for urban drilling.

Joe you would not have been proud of that time, I then stood up and told the TCEQ speaker how that UTA site, with it's 22 wells, poisoned a lady living within 600ft of that site, that she tested positive for BTEX chemicals. I reminded them that TCEQ has fined Carrizo for that (at least that is what I recall a rep from senator Harris's office telling me). Of course I was exiting as I was setting the record straight on that "model" drilling site. I said my family has been living downwind of that site for 3 years now.

Yea today I was lucky, luck to speak, lucky to speak uninvited....and not be arrested.

Kim Feil


  1. Kim's the lady who delivered her comments to Arlington City Council in the form of a rap last spring. It should be on Youtube.

  2. It is on youtube...
