Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fort Worth named a most positive city?

As in positively insane?  Who makes these "studies" up, and WHY?  How much did it cost?

Read about it on Durango.  As usual, he tells it like it is.  That is a positive....

"If this is not some sort of apocalyptic warning that the World is in trouble, I don't know what is."

"Fort Worth is the Big Doozy on this list. Fort Worth is one of the world's most positive towns? Fort Worth has a corrupt mayor, on the take to the total tune of millions of dollars to the Barnett Shale gas drillers poking holes in his town. Fort Worth's mayor fired the city's ethics board when they finally had the backbone to stand up against the city's ethics problems."

"Fort Worth positive? This is a town where the city allies with gas drillers against the people to conspire to try and put non-odorized natural gas pipelines under people's homes, using Fascist Gestapo-like raids to intimidate those who fight for their right to speak out against having a dangerous pipeline run under their home."

"Fort Worth positive? This is a town that regularly uproots citizens from their property, using eminent domain in conspiracy with big business, like what was done to get Radio Shack its now defunct corporate headquarters. And is currently being done courtesy of Fort Worth's myopic Trinity River Vision Boondoggle."

1 comment:

  1. More like the Happy Idiot Award or the Alice in Wonderland Pretend Award.
