Friday, November 19, 2010

BS Update

We have been so busy with streetcars, tax dollars and ethics we haven't been able to update you on the Barnett Shale Hell in awhile, so in no particular order...

What is Steve on Carter Ave up to?  Well, Channel 11 caught up with him last night.  Don't miss this story.  Good information from Lon Burnam and more BS statements from Mayor Moncrief.  Something about regulators not doing their jobs so Fort Worth will do it.  WHAT?  The profiting Mayor and council are mostly to blame for getting us in to this mess and putting our citizens at risk.

Congratulations to Josh Fox!!  Word on the street is Gasland is shortlisted for Academy Awards!!  Go, Josh, Go!

Grand Prairie has announced a gas drilling moratorium on all new permits.  THE PEOPLE are listening!

Not only are property values plummeting around gas drilling locations (that would be most all of Tarrant County) now some banks won't finance properties in those areas either. Uh oh...better save your huge royalty checks, then you can pay cash.  Read about it here.  You can also read the letter from the Bartonville Mayor to Senator Nelson on their site as well. 

If you missed the 60 Minutes gas drilling story, here is a recap.

What do THE PEOPLE say about the gas drilling meeting in Fort Worth last night?  "It was another waste of time, another industry dog and pony show.  WHO did the majority of the talking?  The industry, of course". 

It's your turn!  Make some noise!


  1. Wow. I can still recall Joel Thomas reporting about Steve's fight and his optimism about getting help from his state reps Davis and Burman to force that unconscionable pipeline away from his home and residential neighborhood THIS VERY SAME TIME LAST YEAR!! Apparently this guy principled position prevailed. Not surprised that not much media reporting of this practically impossible victory for the "litte man ". He must have gotten a lot of financial support from his neighbors and various activists (environment, eminent domain abuse, etc.) to pay some sharp lawyers. Or he might have gotten great pro bono help like the other Steve earlier this week. Wouldn't be surprised if public interest groups like the Institute for Justice. In any event, good for him.
    FW's and Steve's very own mayor sure was singing a different tune at this hearing, though --give us the tools; we'll do the job (to protect citizens' rights to their precious health and hard earned properties ). From all indications, mayor gasbag pushed through decisions & policies that did everything but help citizens like Steve. His honor was a "tool" alright and "did the job" on the citizens. He has millio$$ of reasons.

  2. It seems that the mayor WAS a "tool" and did "the job" already on Steve Doeung, the residents on Carter Ave., and citizens in the city of Fort Worth. He just needs to do like the mayor before him..go work full-time for Cheasapeake. With a "city father" like him, CPS needs to open an investigation.
