Monday, August 2, 2010

NO News

THE PEOPLE are catching on.  

Letter to the Editor in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Look for the facts

I am so grateful to be living in a country where I can think what I want to think and believe whatever I choose to believe about the issues.

As do most concerned citizens, I get information about what is going on in the country and world from the usual sources: television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Web and so on.

However, I have become suspicious that those sources of news and information are often not giving me facts.

Are they intentionally omitting information they do not want me to know? Is the information they provide skewed in a manner that supports their own point of view, rather than giving me known facts about an issue and allowing me to use my own judgment in forming my own opinions?

Freedom of the press is a wonderful concept, originating with the Founders. However, in this 21st century, all of us should view the so-called news with skepticism, pending verification from other sources.

Each of us interested and concerned about what is going on in the country and around the world should be careful that we are not merely cherry-picking the "news" and so-called facts that tend to support our own preconceived opinions.

-- Bob Bartles, Fort Worth

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