Sunday, July 11, 2010

Perry Vs. the EPA

Read about it in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

WHO do you want in charge of your air and water?  And WHY weren't these questions addressed sooner?

Oh, that's right, GREED.

The scope of the EPA study is a bit unnerving, given the amount of fracking that's already occurred. Plus, it won't be completed for 21/2 years.

Some questions listed by the EPA: How are well casings constructed? How is dirty fracking fluid managed? What are the gaps in current knowledge?

Sounds like basic stuff -- facts that really should have been settled long ago.

The Barnett Shale has about 14,000 gas wells, and we're now asking what we don't know about the environmental impact?
Parker County Judge Mark Riley, one of dozens of speakers at the hearing, blamed the states and the gas industry for the current crisis in confidence.

"The states just haven't been responsive to citizens," Riley said.

1 comment:

  1. That article presents a false argument. Texas does not regulate fracking at all.
