Monday, May 10, 2010

Picking on the Papers

First of all, while they didn't win, we'd like to congratulate Adrian Murray and John Basham for running a strong campaign for the Tarrant Regional Water District and educating more citizens on what is taking place behind closed doors with our money and water.   Nice try gentlemen, taking on the Fort Worth Way (and money) isn't easy, well played.

We do wonder why one of the local papers that has done countless articles on water, money, greed and corruption in Tarrant County, sat silent on the sidelines.  Makes you wonder WHO kept them quiet? And WHY they would choose not to educate folks?  Inside job, maybe?  Or just the dividing lines of politics.  WHO doesn't realize water is non-partisan?

We have a question about the article in the other daily paper concerning the Water District race - the incumbents claim the challangers "misled" voters. How's that? Seems they requested information and then shared it with voters. Sounds like a reporters job to us.  Maybe that should be their next move.

That same paper reported on the rough and tumble world of Haltom City politics, seems like a race was won (recount not yet decided) by 3 votes, yes you read that right. On page 2 of the paper it said one candidate won, on page 3, it said the other did.  So, which is it?

And where is Richard Connor when you need him?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for trying to help our community and to protect our futures, John and Adrian. Hope this is not the end of the story--just the end of one chapter in the fight for a government that is truly "of, by, and for the people". Don't put too much stock in the arrogant and often myopic main$tream media, Lone Star. Keep on telling the truth, consistently and conscientiously.
