Monday, May 31, 2010

Some gave all...

Texas Lone Star salutes all who have served and the families that supported them.
YOU are our hero.

Happy Memorial Day.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dirty Water

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram interviewed the City of Fort Worth concerning the concerns folks have with making Riverside Park a flood storage area.  Of course, the City says it's safe and the water quality is all good. And the Trinity River Vision will solve all your problems...well, they didn't say that exactly, that's just what they'd like you to believe.

Three short months ago the Fort Worth Star-Telegram claimed "And some of the highest poisonous readings of polychlorinated biphenyls -- or PCBs -- were found at sample sites in Tarrant County." 

So, which is it?  And WHO do you trust to tell you the truth? The City? The TRV planners?  The newspaper?
And if you store contaminated soil on this site, what happens when it floods?
While we are on the Riverside Park subject, what happened to the "northern expansion piece"? The land of an individual being threatened by eminent domain for the Trinity River Vision. 

Keep in mind, if they weren't messing with the river, they wouldn't need flood storage.


Finally!  TCEQ having to admit their test results weren't accurate and they didn't bother to inform anyone.  Read all about it in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.   (Thanks to the Texas Observer again!)

No mention of Mayor Moncrief, but of course Mayor Tillman leading the charge.  Think DISH will trade Mayors with us?

So, where are the FEDS?  It's time for TCEQ and "elected officials" to be held accountable for the lives of those who elected them.

Elected officials in Tarrant County reacted strongly to the news, with some calling for investigations into what happened and legislation to make it a crime for public officials to withhold information that could affect public health.

Calvin Tillman, the mayor of the Denton County town of Dish, went so far as to call for a federal investigation into the environmental commission. Federal officials are already are at odds with the agency over several other pollution issues.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sad but true...

We couldn't help but laugh at the comment left on this article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram concerning another day of no pay, closed offices in Fort Worth due to the budget shortfall.

Be sure and read the comment!

Very Observant

The Texas Observer calls out the TCEQ and those WHO support their questionable practices.  Hats off to the Observer!

WHO's listening?  We all are.  We're watching too.

Texas has always been a state where environmental concerns are elbowed aside by moneyed interests: the cattle baron, the oilman, the multinational petrochemical company with billions in assets. Under governors George W. Bush and Rick Perry, the TCEQ has become increasingly cozy with industry.

TCEQ used those results to “prove” that benzene wasn’t a problem. And an internal investigation prompted by an anonymous fraud complaint revealed that upper managment, including Sadlier and Executive Director Mark Vickery, knew the study was flawed. In fact, they ordered that the eight canister samples “be analyzed using a more sensitive laboratory technique.” The results came back on Jan. 22, 10 days after Sadlier’s rosy depiction at the Fort Worth meeting. Four of the eight samples measured benzene at levels above what the state considers safe for long-term health. Still, the fraud investigation states, Sadlier was “not confident in accuracy [sic] of the results from the field” or the fresh lab findings, and ordered inspectors to return to Fort Worth for more samples.

It was a nice gesture. Too bad he didn’t tell anybody outside the agency. The report notes that at the time the investigation was concluded, on Feb. 22, “neither Fort Worth officials nor the media have been alerted.”

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pick and Choose

So the Fort Worth Star-Telegram is suing Grapevine for violating the Open Meetings Act

WHY Grapevine and not the Tarrant Regional Water District?  They are the ones holding the meetings behind closed doors to determine HOW they are going to spend YOUR money.  Guess Grapevine is fair game, they must not have as many cocktail parties.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Going Broke

Fort Worth budget shortfall is growing...$77 Million next year.  See it on CBS11

So yes, let's go ahead and give Radio Shack $10 Million and the Trinity River Vision $26 Million.   It's just money. 


What will it take for you to VOTE next time?

WHO's standing up?

Moms.   Gotta love em'.  WHY?  Read about it here

Saturday, May 22, 2010

YOU are invited!

Those who say it cannot be done should get out of the way of those doing it.


Together we Bargain, Divided we Beg


When:  Thursday, June 3, 2010
2000 Beach Street and IH30
Fort Worth, Texas 76103
Networking @ 6:30
Meeting @ 7:00
For a Map Click Here

For this meeting we have a surprise.  Our friends at the Studio Movie Grill have graciously donated two (2) pairs of tickets for BOTH the complimentary movie of your choice and dinner for two!  Plus two more pairs of tickets for the complimentary movie of your choice.

Those who are currently members attending our meeting Thursday, and those who sign up for any level of membership at our Thursday meeting will receive a ticket for the drawing for these terrific prizes!'s through you Member support that NCTCA can continue our effective work throughout the entire Barnett Shale area and State.

Program Notes:
Genial Grandmother Is 'Top Gun' in Environmental Activism
Wilma Subra 

Ms. Subra holds degrees in Microbiology and Chemistry from the University of Southwestern Louisiana. She has received the MacArthur Fellowship "Genius" Award from the MacArthur Foundation for helping ordinary citizens understand, cope with and combat environmental issues in their communities. She also was one of three finalists in the Environmental Category of the 2004 Volvo for Life Award.

Wilma started Subra Company, a chemistry lab and environmental consulting firm, in 1981. Her goal was to help citizens and communities understand exposure and health effects of toxins in their environment. "No one was looking out for community groups," Subra says about the early days of her company. Located in New Iberia, Louisiana, Subra Company offers technical assistance and provides the science. These services are needed for communities to get the attention of the industries responsible for the pollution, as well as the agencies responsible for protecting public health and the environment. "I've never had to turn anybody down," Subra says. "They may have to wait a few days, but if they ask, I will do what I can to help them."

"The community comes to me when they are desperate to find out what is happening to them," Subra says. "I can help them find out what the cause of the problem is and how to improve their quality of life. "When results from an investigation are in, Subra briefs the industry and government on what is happening. "The community starts to shine light back on the industry and lets them know how they are impacting the community."

What you need to know about the theft of your mineral estate

In recent months, the gas drilling industry has increased their use of both of these procedures, and what you don't know CAN hurt you!  NCTCA has adoped the position that "Forced Pooling" is a defacto eminent domain "taking" of your mineral estate for private gain, and a Rule 37 Waiver is in fact legally sanctioned THEFT of your mineral estate.  Whether you have signed a mineral lease or not, your personal property and mineral rights can be overridden........

and it's already happening! 

Dangerous levels of cancer causing Benzene found in 48% of gas facilities tested.

The most at risk for even low to moderate levels of Benzene are children and pregnant mothers.  If we continue to "drill baby drill" without fully knowing and understanding the risks involved, it could easily turn into "kill baby kill."  The drillers will be long gone before our citizens begin to show symptoms of exposure to Benzene and other harmful byproducts of gas drilling.

What are the health risks?
Neurological disorders
Birth defects

Friday, May 21, 2010

WHO's watching?


Great Letters to the Editor in today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram. What's the oligarchy going to do when all THE PEOPLE are paying attention? Get ready.

Hiding the truth

I received a mailing from the Clean Water Committee regarding the Tarrant Regional Water District election. The mailing was unsigned, although a return address showed a suite on Fort Worth's Main Street.

The timing of this mailing was interesting in that the criticism of two candidates did not allow time to check the facts presented. To their credit, parties responsible for the mailing did offer sources for the information -- Orange County, Calif., Texas Comptroller's Office and court records -- but a lack of time (received the day before the May 8 election) prevented confirmation of the information presented.

I do not know either of the candidates mentioned. I do know mudslinging and dirty politics when I see it, however, and this smacked of both.

Quoting from the mailing, "Shame on candidates for hiding the truth!" I say shame on others for hiding their identity with this anonymous mailing.

-- John Farlow, Fort Worth

Unfair pet licensing fees

In recent months, the Fort Worth City Council has passed one or two trivial ordinances all in the name of finding any way to make money, even when it's unfair, unjust and unnecessary. Because City Hall can't manage or balance its budget, it has placed unnecessary burdens on pet owners by increasing licensing fees.

The city's Animal Care and Control Division insists that pet owners have microchips in their dogs and cats or risk being punished with higher fees. It doesn't seem to matter that a pet is spayed or neutered or that a pet has its shots or that a pet has a good and loving home.

Excuse me, but the pets are not the city's unless it claims eminent domain on animals, too. I'm all for pets, but couldn't care less about City Hall's shoddy money-making tactics.

- Sandra Richards, Fort Worth

Forget the incentives

Don't use $10.7 million to keep RadioShack in Fort Worth. Instead, open the libraries and swimming pools, and fix the streets. This will benefit all of us who live in Fort Worth. This is what we need.

-- Ann Chambers, Fort Worth

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Different day, same crap

Check out today's Tarrant Regional Water District/Fort Worth Star-Telegram fluff, here. Be sure and read the comments from THE PEOPLE.

We have a question, WHY weren't these type articles ran prior to the election? 
Remember they said the challangers "misled" voters...the challangers are the ones that questioned YOUR $226 million being loaned to a 40 year TIF interest  free.  And gave you the breakdown of WHERE the money is coming from (YOU). 

Where is the Water District getting this money?  Oh that's right, the gas industry.  WHO's money is it? 

So while they loan YOUR money away to fund another grand Trinity River Vision scheme, your water bills increase, your neighborhoods flood and they will be issuing $101 million dollars in bonds to fund a pipeline to hopefully bring in more water by the time we need it in 2018.  Funny, the experts (NOT at the Water District) say we'll need water prior to that.

Get your checkbooks ready, you're going to need them.

Down the Drain

Fort Worth can't handle their budget, but they want to give Radio Shack $10 million to stay put.  WHAT?

Didn't we already give them loads of cash to come here?

WHO's running this town? Please ask them to stop running it in the ground.

Be sure and read the comments attached to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram article. The ones from THE PEOPLE.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

From Sea to Oily Sea...

Thanks to our readers for sharing this 60 Minutes report!

How is it possible, that people half way around the world are having the same problems we have right here in River City? Answer: Because this industry as a whole is dirty, nasty, irresponsible and matter where they are trying to produce natural gas. Even if it's 8550 miles away! If it were not for their accents in this video, you would swear they were in FORT WORTH, TEXAS. (some of the report is here). Thankfully, no one is using the worn out term "The Fort Worth Way," except that now even Australia understands what the phrase means.
Watch it here.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Double Standard?

The City of Lewisville has been fined by TCEQ for a waste water spill.  Was the industry fined for this? Or this

And how much did they pay for the 1,146,598,272.73 gallons of water they used from one aquifer alone in 2009?  Read about it on TXSharon.  You don't know what you got, until it's gone...The Tarrant Regional Water District might want to hurry their Oklahoma law suit along, we're gonna need your water, O.K. blog readers.

Bait and Switch

Another community bond package, another private company.  How does this keep happening in Fort Worth and no one is held accountable?

Read about the community pools in Fort Worth, here is your test question, if Fort Worth keeps spreading out with their far reaching land grabs, why are all the pools South of I 30?

Read it in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.  Don't miss the residents comments on this one! 

Then call Mayor Moncrief and ask what time you should bring your kids over to swim.

Ocean Front Property

The Trinity River Vision and it's propaganda machine, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram are at it again this morning. 

Is it wise for a "news" paper to insult the intelligence of its readers?  We guess if it's okay for the government, it's okay for them.

Things like "the goal is to create more flood storage..."  If you weren't messing with the river, you wouldn't need flood storage.

They also "remain confident" concerning funding. Because now instead of Kay Granger asking for it, she'll have Kay Bailey Hutchison (and John Cornyn) ask for it.  Is this the same Kay Bailey Hutchison who lied and said she would give up her seat whether she won or lost?

Be sure and read the comments as well, they weren't paid for by the Trinity River Vision or the Tarrant Regional Water Board.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tarrant Regional Water District

Was worried if we got the storms that were expected yesterday, areas could flood.  Sounds like they should be worried about Adrian Murray.  Read both in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sign a Petition for a Complete Moratorium on Fort Worth Gas Drilling

Go here to sign a new petition
calling for "... a complete Moratorium on natural gas drilling activities in Fort Worth..."

The petition author will eventually present to city council.

Go here to the Texas OGAP website and read about how to Drill-Right in Texas.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fort Worth Way Under Fire


YOU hear him now?  Adrian Murray, recent candidate for the Tarrant Regional Water District, has something to say.  Durango tells you what it is.

Fort Worth Way

Another Letter to the Editor in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram pointing out the way things are done here.  WHO's listening?

Bullying pulpit

What the heck, does Libby Willis think she lives in a democracy? Is she using some of that stuff police said they found in the home of that Keller school board candidate? Or maybe reading the Constitution?

I mean, Fort Worth Councilman Zim Zimmerman and Mayor Moncrief don't need documentation to call her a liar but she definitely needs it to prove she isn't. Isn't it comforting to know that the "good old boys club" isn't dead in Fort Worth? We take care of our own -- pawnshops and gas drilling companies.

If I were just a visitor to Fort Worth it would be funny; but, as a lifelong resident, I quit laughing a long time ago. For Zimmerman and Moncrief to bully a citizen is unacceptable and mean-spirited.

-- Larry Story, Fort Worth

Riddle us this, WHY would Libby Willis need documentation while Mayor Moncrief makes up his statements?

This from the FW Weekly -
Moncrief quickly backtracked on the value of the land explaining that it was a figure he made up to make a point but never said what the point was. He had “no idea” what the real value is, he told the audience.  Nonetheless, there was nothing untoward about the donation from Cash America, he said, it was simply doing business “the Fort Worth Way.”

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

GASLAND the movie: May 12 at Fort Worth's Modern Art Museum

GASLAND the movie will be shown here in Fort Worth on May 12. Meet GASLAND's Josh Fox at the gala affair at Fort Worth's Modern Art Museum.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Picking on the Papers

First of all, while they didn't win, we'd like to congratulate Adrian Murray and John Basham for running a strong campaign for the Tarrant Regional Water District and educating more citizens on what is taking place behind closed doors with our money and water.   Nice try gentlemen, taking on the Fort Worth Way (and money) isn't easy, well played.

We do wonder why one of the local papers that has done countless articles on water, money, greed and corruption in Tarrant County, sat silent on the sidelines.  Makes you wonder WHO kept them quiet? And WHY they would choose not to educate folks?  Inside job, maybe?  Or just the dividing lines of politics.  WHO doesn't realize water is non-partisan?

We have a question about the article in the other daily paper concerning the Water District race - the incumbents claim the challangers "misled" voters. How's that? Seems they requested information and then shared it with voters. Sounds like a reporters job to us.  Maybe that should be their next move.

That same paper reported on the rough and tumble world of Haltom City politics, seems like a race was won (recount not yet decided) by 3 votes, yes you read that right. On page 2 of the paper it said one candidate won, on page 3, it said the other did.  So, which is it?

And where is Richard Connor when you need him?

Friday, May 7, 2010

What you can learn in a day...

On the eve of election day in Tarrant County, you can learn a lot. You can learn WHO to vote for in some Tarrant County elections. 
For example, we learned of an 18 year old running for City Council in Arlington. Read about Lila here. Why is she running?

"People will go down there and they'll speak in front of the City Council, talk about their concerns, about their issues, about how they disagree, and the City Council members don't listen to them," she said.

Sound familiar?

And we learned in the Flower Mound City Council race, people are paying attention.  Lots of people.  This includes the industry that is trying to divide this and other communities during election season.

We learned items acquired during the Dallas City Hall Corruption case are being sold on Ebay.

And that campaign volunteers from Adrian Murray and John Basham's campaigns have possibly been being intimidated by a certain city organization.  We won't name names, yet.

Seems the race for the Tarrant Regional Water District took on a new level today with articles and notes over the past few days such as,  this one from Bud Kennedy where Debra Medina supports Adrian Murray.  And then there is the article in the incumbent supporting Fort Worth Star-Telegram concerning the award the Tarrant Regional Water District received. How ironic, this comes out a day prior to the election. How ironic it is celebrating a program that was launched in 2007. Wasn't this the exact year of the last flood?

Speaking of the incumbents..."someone" sent the expected smear mailer today concerning Adrian Murray and John Basham, you can see it and the truth at  After viewing these documents, our question is this, are these men are being "smeared" concerning things that were caused in some way or another by none other than their own govenment?  Can that be right?  Our next question is, does it matter if they received money from a PAC in Austin?  That just goes to show us that they can get along with our neighbors, can you say the same of the current board? Oklahoma might disagree.

Speaking of all getting along, it was reported that earlier this week at a meeting that the Libertarian Party Chair, John Spivey, the Democratic Party Chair, Steve Maxwell, and the Republican Party Chair, Stephanie Klick all gathered together. Someone told us there are pictures.  We'd love to have one.  Too bad we didn't see any on the news.  We hear Adrian Murray was the speaker.  Sounds like another show of working together.

In the Mesquite City Council race, the politics have gotten so dirty that the "someone" printed "a fake newspaper" smearing a candidate.  Can you imagine, "a fake newspaper"?  What's next?  The opponent is "afraid for his family's safety". And claims it is an eye opener to small town politics.

Shame, isn't it?

From what all we've learned today, sounds like YOUR vote could make a difference in a lot of races.  If you don't vote, can't complain about what you get.  YOUR community needs YOU! 

So VOTE!  From 7:00 am - 7:00 pm.  SATURDAY MAY 8th - TODAY!  MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

WHERE do you vote?  Check out Tarrant County Elections site here.

And keep those emails coming! 

Thanks and night all,
Texas Lone Star

TRWD Election: KERA's Shelley Kofler - Challengers Question Public Spending

Tarrant County Voters,

With less than 24 hours left until polls open in this heated Tarrant Regional Water District race. It seems our local "paper of record" continues to shill for the incumbents and business as usual at the Water Board. However, in a strange twist of fate perhaps there is still a sense of journalistic integrity left in this world. That integrity resides squarely with Shelley Kofler at KERA.

Ms. Kofler filed a story this morning taking the time not only to weigh the issues but to interview BOTH SIDES in this race. While I fervently disagree with most every comment spouted from our opponents talking points. I applaud Ms. Kofler's "due diligence" in finding out what each side has to say on the divisive issues.

I encourage you to LISTEN to the story as it ran on KERA radio this morning. This will allow you to hear from both Adrian and I as well as our opponents, ALL IN OUR OWN WORDS. Oh yes and not to be forgotten, Ms. Kofler even took the time to interview a concerned taxpaying voter in the district. Imagine that a reporter actually getting ALL SIDES of a story instead of shilling for the political elite.

Adrian Murray/John Basham Tarrant Regional Water District Mailer

Click the Mailer to view full-size

To see 2013 water district election info, go here

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Boondoggle Question

Durango has some questions about the billion dollar boondoggle also known as the Trinity River Vision. WHO has the answer?

WHO pays the billion again? Oh right, YOU do.


Mentioning Letters to the Editor...

Got someone else's attention. Again, we are more than happy to oblige.

A fool and his money are soon parted, as the saying goes. Tarrant Regional Water District is using your money from increased water rates and gas revenues to promote economic development.

The Water Board's vision for future water supplies is to sue Oklahoma.
Don't want to continue the fool? Vote Murray/Basham for water board.

We couldn't agree more. Don't be a fool.

VOTE SATURDAY to end the insanity!

As a recent commenter pointed out - Insanity in this case means electing the same people and expecting a different result!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mentioning Haltom City

Got someone's attention. We're more than happy to oblige.

Dear Lone Star,

I wanted to write a letter of support for John Basham and Adrian Murray for the Tarrant Regional Water District, yes, I know I don't get a vote - that's part of the point.  However, I missed the "deadline" for election letters to the local newspaper.  The "other" local newspaper acted like this election isn't happening.  Instead of taking the opportunity to educate the citizens on an issue that is going to have major impacts on their future, the media keeps quiet, limits the information or publishes propaganda pieces.  So here's the letter I couldn't get printed, I am hoping I haven't missed your deadline, since the election hasn't happened yet.
Thanks for all you do!

The Star Telegram has said Fort Worth alone has a billion dollars worth of flooding problems.  They have also said that the Trinity River Vision needs fiscal responsibility (another billion).  Then they endorse the same ol' incumbents.  They praised John Basham and Adrian Murray, running for the Tarrant Regional Water District. But then told you to vote for the incumbents. Why would citizens who are tired of the good ol' boy network, tired of having their tax dollars committed, without a say, tired of seeing their tax money wasted, vote for the same folks who have thrown away millions of our dollars? All behind closed doors. Those of us affected by flooding who don’t get to vote in the Water District race, ask that you vote for Basham and Murray.  Two individuals who want to return the District to do what it was created to do – provide for and protect citizens in “all or part of eleven counties”.  It’s your money, it’s your water, and it’s your future.  Save it. 

Folks in Haltom City (where they flood but can't vote) would appreciate your support!


EVERYONE is invited!

To the NCTCA meeting on Thursday - read all about it here!  Come join us!

Want to meet the Tarrant Regional Water District candidates?  They'll be there too!

Speaking of water, read about the Caddo residents still living without water on TXSharon.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Something Smells...

In Fort Worth, Haltom City, and Saginaw...

What's that smell?  A sewer line.  The story was on WFAA.  The residents say the warmer it gets the worse the smell.  Sounds like no one is really sure where exactly the problem is, they just all know it stinks...

There's a thought...

Let THE PEOPLE vote!

THE PEOPLE of Flower Mound will decide on drilling moratorium in their town.  What a concept, let those involved have a say.  Way to go Flower Mound - be heard!

Read about it on

Remember VOTE in the Water District race Saturday!   YOUR vote counts!

Busy man

Mr. Woodard's pen has been busy this week!

Letter to the Editor in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram today.

TODAY is last day of early voting - VOTE!!!

No City Council since Chuck Silcox and Clyde Picht, no Commissioners Court and no Chamber of Commerce has sounded the war tocsin against the near-billion-dollar Trinity Uptown boondoggle. They're all asleep in Fort Worth. Even now comes another surprise, a new version of an expensive bridge to nowhere.

Taxpayers, why stand ye here idle when your money is being thrown down the river? Elect Adrian Murray and John Basham to the Tarrant Regional Water District board. Just as St. George of old slew the dragon, Murray and Basham are pledged to slay this Trinity Uptown tax-eating monster, the mother of all eminent domain earmarks. Victory is in view! Oh the joy!

-- Don Woodard Sr., Fort Worth

Monday, May 3, 2010

It’s not flood control. It’s economic development, stupid!

Another gem forwarded to us. Can you guess WHO the author is?

Remember - VOTE for Adrian Murray and John Basham for the Tarrant Regional Water District!

From Henderson Street, drive down White Settlement Road....

What do you see? Degringolade! Ozymandias! A colossal wreck of cold, naked, bare concrete slabs, sullen and mute testimony to the power of Queen Earmark and King Eminent Domain. Where once stood long-established, thriving, profitable, tax-paying, free enterprise firms, now you see the sneer of cold command of those in control, to wit, the denial of the sanctity of private property.

What’s yours is ours!

How to explain it? Simple. A towering ego and obdurate and obstinate obsession of the Trinity Uptowners -- damn the cost to property owners, taxpayers, history and heritage -- to obliterate the picturesque Clear Fork-West Fork confluence once patronized by Indian, dragoon and pioneer.

Obliterate for what purpose? To build a developer’s Fantasy Island, replete with canals and a polluted Town Lake . And a gambling casino? Looking at the slabs, I think of Percy Byshee Shelley’s mournful and lugubrious sonnet:

I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell what its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair.”
Nothing besides remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Round the decay of that colossal wreck, cold, naked and bare,
White Settlement Road stretches far away.


VOTE!!!!  Early voting continues!  Be heard!

Vote for Adrian Murray and John Basham for the Tarrant Regional Water District!  Help save our water and money!

Saturday, May 1, 2010