Wednesday, April 14, 2010


That's what the industry must say when they bulldoze in to the next town.

Incoming email from a new Watchdog...


Dear Friends',

While my Home town is under attack by Chesapeake we now know why.
If they haven't gotten to your Hometown yet, they will.

I have spent many hours assembling the attached documents which has collected information from very credible sources. ABC, Forbes and Fortune and alike.

I hope that you will use this information publicly and often. It is time America knows what is going on.

I find the very recent information about Chesapeake's changes in drilling stategy interesting. Basically, they wish to secure mineral rights while at the lowest rates.They also then plan to hold the gas in the ground until the price goes up. They do not expect that soon so they have moved to oil exploration. They promote gas as a clean energy, then drill for oil.
They are offering pennys to the public for an asset ( minerals) that they know are worth millions.

As we see from these articles Chesapeake's CEO McClenden as wrecked havoc on small towns and major cities alike. Citizen recreation areas only represent a chance to fill his pockets with even more money. How many BIllions does one man need? Chesapeake is trying to keep it's own stock holders from knowing how much they are paying this man

Our city leaders across this country need to know what they up against. So do the citizens.

Let's try to take this information to our friends and city leaders to let them know the other side of the story of this "great company".

There are 17 pages on one document and a review of the Company's Annual Financial statement on the other document. I am no an accountant, but I did make observations.

I ask that you forward this information without my email address in an effort to keep from swamping my email inbox.

Thank you friends

In hopes of a better tomorrow


Fortune Magazine May 2008

The following were excerpted from the Fortune article by David Whitford, editor at large...


Chesapeake’s CEO Attacks Michican Citizens over recreation area

Saugatuck Township leaders vow to fight billionaire's lawsuit seeking development of dune land

Excerpted from THE SEATTLIST

Excerpted from Forbes Magazine

Excepted from ABC NEWS

Excepted from

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