Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fort Worth Way

And WHO is ratting this time? Kathleen Hicks. Surprised? Yes, we were too. She seems to have the Fort Worth Way down, could this be a change of heart? We'll wait to hear what her constituents on Carter Avenue say about that.

Read Cart before the Vote in the FW Weekly. They've done it again, we salute them!

Well, in that case, why did the same agenda list Mayor Mike Moncrief as president already, and “Zim” Zimmerman as vice-president? Not pro tem, not acting, but actual. Of course, when the board did hold its first public vote that morning, you guessed it, Moncrief and Zimmerman were duly elected, just as the agenda had prophesied. There were no other nominees.

“I was horrified,” Hicks said, when she saw the agenda and realized the whole deal had been arranged somewhere out of her sight and, more importantly, the public’s. “This was so blatant,” she said. It only confirmed her fears that the public’s business is being conducted behind closed doors. And that ain’t legal, folks.

1 comment:

  1. We doubt she's had a change of heart--just hurting because she's not in on the backdoor deals. Keep trying, KH.
