Friday, March 5, 2010


Was councilwoman Kathleen Hicks during the CARO rally and court hearing?

WHERE has she been for the past two years? No one has yet to see her ON Carter Avenue.

But someone was there today, putting letters addressed to "Carter Avenue Resident" in the mailboxes. They were dated yesterday.

Enjoy...and thanks to the Carter Avenue Residents for sharing.

On a side note, Steve was interviewed by Channel 8 WFAA, and he asked where his council representative was, we saw zero footage on Channel 8. Did we miss something? WHERE was Chris Hawes when you need her?

Dear Carter Avenue Neighbors:

I hope you all are doing well. I wanted to give you a progress report on my continuing effort to ensure that a Chesapeake gas pipeline does not go down Carter Avenue.

I am pleased to inform you that Chesapeake has completed their detailed design alignment for the proposed reroute along TxDOT ROW that includes TxDOT's various requirements. We hope to get TxDOT approval in March, assuming they do not require further changes.

While there is still work to do, I am grateful to Chesapeake and TxDOT for working together on a solution. Most of all, I want to thank you for your patience and support. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Please know that I will continue to update you as more info becomes available.


Kathleen Hicks
District 8 Representative

CC: Senator Wendy Davis
Representative Lon Burnam
Dale Fisseler, City Manager
Mayor Mike Moncrief
Fort Worth City Council


  1. LoneStar--are you sure Steve D is in district 8? Maybe that's why she hasn't bothered to help him or to even communicate with him, specifically with regards to his strong and long legal battle with billion-dollar giant corporation CHK. However, if he is her constituent THEN SHE HAS A LOT OF QUESTIONS TO ANSWER--now and the next election comes. Get ready, Councilwoman b/c the number of eyes, ears, and inquiring minds are growing daily.

  2. It sounds like the councilwoman's use of the word "we" and other references indicate that she and CHK are working partners, with the citizens and constituents simply being helpless and nameless pieces in a high stakes game. If this game involves having opposing sides, then it would appear that she's on -----? (help us out here) Team.
