Monday, March 8, 2010


Again, so many issues, so little time. Here's a run down of things we haven't got covered yet, that others do.

What's TXSharon up to? Getting air tests done in your cities. Ones you can count on.

What's the latest on Carter Avenue? We need your help! Write an email, make a call, or send a letter to Judge Sprinkle. NOW! Durango has the contact info.

Seems there is some disagreement over the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Mike Lee's coverage of the Carter Avenue Rally and court hearing. Mr. Lee was criticized by some for not mentioning the rally, the folks present in support, Steve's holding his own against the industry get the picture. Rumor has it, he did write about those things and they were edited out.

Those on the other side (why so many sides? We are all after the same thing!) say to leave Mike alone, as he is the ONLY S-T reporter covering any of the gas issues. While we understand and can greatly appreciate that, we think the point they were making is, if you only cover half the story, does that make you part of the problem? The news should be just Covering all of both sides. There are some that still believe that is the purpose of a newspaper. So our question is WHO is the editor for last week's article? Send us the info!! Durango has update.

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