Monday, March 29, 2010

People Talk

And people are listening.

Two excellent letters in the Fort Worth Business Press today. We'll give you a preview of each of them, go here to read both.

Why hasn’t the council demanded the gas industry use its own product, compressed natural gas, to fuel compressors and vehicles? Why hasn’t the council imposed use fees on the thousands of heavily-laden trucks plying our city streets on a daily basis? As the roads continue to deteriorate, will the council add another surcharge to the water bill and make the residents pay for council negligence?

Probably, and because of council’s disdain for public input, Rogers should not hold her breath – either for clean air or responsible government.

The aim of the eminent-domaining earmarkers is to cover the confluence with a detritus-filled 33-acre town lake, an unsavory olla podrida of pollutants, excrement, sewage, garbage, oil and grease, fertilizer, mercury and myriad other chemicals, dangerous PCBs, known and unknown carcinogens, and other flotsam and jetsam that washes down from a hundred miles upstream – a rancid, malodorous pond in which no Streams and Valleys Mayfester or knowing tourist would wade or swim, and whose bottom-dwelling catfish you would not eat. Tourist? Perhaps a lawsuit waiting to be filed? It happens.

One of the letters above came from Mr. Woodard. We saw some Cheers in the Fort Worth Star- Telegram this weekend, one because of him and one from him. Both too good to pass up. Cheers, Don, carry on sir!

Cheers: To Don Woodard, whose letters are always a delight to read. I can usually pick his out even before getting to the name at the end. Although I am sure there are those who do not appreciate his opinion, he always tells it as it is!
-- C.S. Morford, Fort Worth

Cheers: To the Tarrant County College Board of Trustees for saving a search firm fee by naming Erma Johnson Hadley chancellor. It's a no-brainer. She knows the college like the back of her hand. Some criticize because she does not have a doctorate. So? Whoever heard the Bard of the Avon called Dr. Shakespeare?
-- Don Woodard Sr.

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