Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Damage Control

Popular words at Fort Worth City Hall.

Read the latest from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on the "committee" and on their blog about Carter Avenue. Many agencies we have mentioned before brought up in both - the COG, never ends.

Both Mayor Moncrief and Kathleen Hicks have taken credit for things that citizens have been demanding of them. Citizens WHO have never had contact with either (not for lack of trying). And how would Kathleen know about residents misconceptions? Has she ever spoken to a resident of Carter Avenue? The residents say NO.

Here's a highlight from the article in which the mayor takes credit for the idea and work of others, while he appoints three industry seats on the committee.

How much did he make off gas royalties last year?

Mayor Mike Moncrief defended the process, saying it was his idea to appoint a committee. "That was a decision I made, to make sure that there was inclusion -- to make sure we did have representation in that process from the neighborhoods," he said. "I also know, and I think we all do, that you need to have the industry representation in that process because otherwise it does no good."

What does the FW Weekly say about the "committee" and it's three industry seats? Read it here.

Critics say that’s like letting the fox design, build, and guard the hen house.


  1. To borrow from Billy Mitchell's billboard message protesting eminent domain abuse: Political posturing is taking credit for the hard work of others!!Some people have no shame or any sense of decency.

  2. The thing about the Star-Telegram is that it's part of the McClatchey syndicate and so the issues in the DFW metopolitan area that it reports on are then carried by other newspapers across the nation, including the nationally known and read USA Today. Now that's big. And the mis-and dis-information produced IS ALSO BIG. It seems like the S-T has become like their polluting friends, polluting the public knowledge and perception here and far beyond. Thanks for showing your true color, S-T.
