Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Case Closed??

Or is it?

WHERE is the news? You know, the ones that said last Thursday, the pipeline would not be going on Carter Avenue. (The order was signed last Tuesday...) If there is no pipeline going on Carter Avenue, why would you need their property? Just because?

See the court document here. (Thanks to Durango!)


  1. We pretty know about the shallow nature of the "news" and the info-tainment media. The main questions are (1)where are the elected reps. who gave themselves public pats on the backs and claiming credits whenever possible? and (2) where are the so-called activists and concerned community leaders who talk and talk about what needs to BE DONE but...?

  2. If history is any guide, this crooked and cowardly "case closed" crap will only bring more exposure and costs for those trying to steal this Steve guy's "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Sweet dreams, CHK and your collaborators b/c it is way past due for you to expereince the nightmares that this man and his family have been put through. We'll see how well you hold up, in your fancy tower and custom tailored suits.

  3. I'm outraged by the contempt with which the court treated Steve Doeung. Outraged by the lack of transparency - that while people were sending their e-mails and letters, the wicked deed had already been done and no one - not even Steve - knew about it.

  4. I agree. Like Steve said in the 03/15/10 Startlegram. it looks like he's being treated as "beneath the law" while the so-called officers of the court and servants of justice (actually they serve whomever pays them)are treated like they are above the law. MLK said "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". You should feel VERY threatened, Texans and Americans.
