Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We Won't Pipe Down: Carter Avenue Rescue Operation Rally Thursday March 4 Downtown Fort Worth

The Carter Avenue Rescue Operation will be holding a rally on the Courthouse steps Thursday, March 4th at 7:30 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend.

This rally will be held prior to Steve Doeung's court appearance in his battle with Chesapeake Energy. Steve Doeung is attempting to stop Chesapeake Energy from using eminent domain to take his home in order to put a pipeline beneath the homes along Carter Avenue in Fort Worth.

Steve Doeung does not have legal counsel. He is a Lone Ranger battling Chesapeake Energy. The last time Steve Doeung was in court he was virtually alone against Chesapeake Energy.

This time we do not want Steve Doeung to be alone. We want Steve to feel the support of his fellow Texans, with a solid, loud expression of the American Spirit.

The Court hearing begins at 8:30. Please come witness this historic moment in Fort Worth and Texas and show your support for Steve Doeung and the residents of Carter Avenue.

All North Texans should be concerned with the process and outcome of this hearing. A recent Fort Worth Business Press article named Tarrant County, the eminent domain capital of Texas, which by default likely makes Tarrant County the eminent domain capital of America.

YOUR neighborhood could be next.

Speakers at the event include:

Louis McBee - Vietnam Veteran, Business Owner, Community Leader, Former Mayoral Candidate and Treasurer of NCTCA

Glen Bucy - Afghanistan Veteran, Former City Council Candidate, and Local Community Activist

Billy Mitchell - Rancher, Eminent domain abuse victim, Community Activist

And special guest - DISH, TX Mayor, Calvin Tillman - Mayor Tillman has been leading the way with his determination and resolve to ensure the safety of resident's rights concerning gas drilling, not only in DISH, but the entire state of Texas. He was recently invited to speak to citizens in New York about their concerns with gas drilling issues.

CARTER AVENUE RESCUE OPERATION begins at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 100 W. Weatherford in Fort Worth. That is the Old Historic Courthouse at the north end of downtown, across the street from Heritage Park. Just follow the signs, downtown, to Sundance Square, where you will find plenty of parking lots.

Refreshments will be provided. Please plan on attending and bring your family and friends!


  1. Yes,but only for a little while because I have school but technichaly yes.

    sincerly Elizabeth Mey {steves daughter]

  2. Is this the same Billy Mitchell who put up that big old billboard off of Hulen and I-30 a couple years ago saying something like "Eminent Domain is stealing what other people worked for" or something like that?

  3. yes i will

    Rocket, 5 years old

    he's my uncle, you know

  4. That Billy Mitchell is one and the same.

  5. We're bringing our kids to this significant event , no matter how many people come, because of the symbolic meanings and lessons that they could learn by experiencing the truest form of democracy in action.

    If actually them, these comments by Steve's daughter and nephew, give us hope that what he's been doing is starting to have an effect --signs that these kids "get it" more than adults and even so called "officers of the court"/lawyers who have been conspicuously absent in helping fight this in-justice and will pay a price in the court of public opinion (esp. lawyers focusing on civil rights and professors from all departments whjo teach and preach about justice and such lofty principles and values).

    It's just as well that regular people like Billy Mitchell, our neighbor Glen Bucy, Louis McBee, and other unnamed citizens take the lead in this fight.

    "...and the children shall them"--the Bible.

  6. I am bringing my 9 year old daughter and she is very aware of what is going on. She told her grandpa that she wouldn't be at school on Thursday because she was going to help a man and his family fight Chesapeake. Simplified, but the truth.

  7. Just be careful with traffic--lots of one-way streets and bicycle cops. To be safe in not getting parking tickets and such park in the multi-level garage a block EAST of this old courthouse next to the new Family Law Center (courts)=$4 for all day parking vs. about 2 cents per minute using parking meter. Bring your own signs and flags, etc.
