Monday, January 4, 2010

Demand it!

Don says so. We couldn't agree more.

Read the entire letter from Mr.Woodard, about Mission Impossible, also know as Trinity Uptown, in the Fort Worth Business Press.

Trying to convince the gung-ho Trinity Uptowners that an election should be called to see if taxpayers really want to pay for their billion dollar, confluence-covering Fantasy Island is like trying to empurple the Trinity River by pouring a vial of food coloring into the fast-flowing water.

Trinity Uptowners! Historic, financial, and environmental icebergs dead ahead! Taxpayers! Demand an election or get ready to run for the lifeboats!

1 comment:

  1. the other "Don" YoungJanuary 4, 2010 at 4:47 PM

    "They" said the same thing about gas drilling and we have already hit a few of them thar icebergs. That ship has indeed sailed into the Bermuda Triangle. Better get your lifejacket on.
