Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Steve says Merry Christmas

Dear Rep. Burnam, Sen. Davis, and all concerned citizens:

Before we all take a break for holiday and family related activities in the coming days, I want to simply clarify the challenges before us as a community relative to the Carter Ave. pipeline struggle (and war, for certain folks).

If my interpretation of the Representative's message is correct, CHK (through their front pipeline/utility company TMGS--created simply to possess eminent domain power) never had any intention of ever abandoning their plans (with close cooperation from OUR City) to shove these massive pipelines under and near where "we the people" live and sleep.

A close examination of the facts and recent actions would even indicate that this giant corporation was "playing" the respected elected officials and was continuing to add more insults to injuries on the people living on and near Carter Ave. What a clever (and sociopathic) scheme: use the genuine concerns and political clout of the people's representatives as a part of the "discussions/negotiations" with TxDOT to serve as a ploy to deceive the public as they essentially work to acquire more routes (and easements) for more pipelines while planning the whole time to begin their original pipeline/s down Carter Ave.--pending the coup de grace at my hearing last Friday morning, of course. That's what some would call a "two-fer" or even a bait-and-poach...not just a simple bait-and-switch.

Naturally, the questions that arise are: who knew what/when and who did (or refused to do) what/when to support this cruel and unacceptible conduct (not to me and the elementary school kids on my street who have a clear grasp of right and wrong and fairplay, anyway).

Speaking of kids, my 7 y.o. daughter Lizzy could not accompany me to court Friday because of school but she did ask me how things went and said passionately " I wish I can just smash those pipelines so you can spend more time with me and mommy!!" Later that night as we drove by the gleaming Fort Chesapeake overlooking the Trinity and all of downtown, she noticed that many lights were still on in various offices and asked matter-of-factly "You think they're staying late talking about how to try and beat you next time, daddy?"

After hearing me proclaim ignorance, she shook her clenched fists at Ft. CHK and spitted out "I betcha they're saying 'we're gonna get that Steve Doeung somehow'!!" She stuck her tongue out at them and returned to working on losing her first front tooth and counting down the number of days until Santa comes.

I'm so thankfull for a child's resiliency and innocence. Unfortunately, certain Grinches are also resilient, but not so innocent--as they target our humble little home in their plans for upcoming assaults to rob us of our rights, our property, our dignity, and our sense of security.

At least we (and Santa!) can spend one more Christmas without worrying--too much--about the massive pipeline/s under our front yard.

May you and your family and neighbors never even have to think about, or have this kind of discussions with your children, such disturbing thoughts during this and future seasons of Hope and Peace. Merry Christ-mas, happy holidays, and have a wonderfull 2010!!!

God's blessings on you and yours,

Y. Steve Doeung and 7 year-old Elizabeth (momma's too tired from working two jobs)-- still defiantly and desperately defending our modern-day Alamo on Sycamore Heights


  1. This situation and the passion of this man are just heart-breaking. CHK and their City buddies must have thought that sneeking through their dirty scheme right before the hustle and bustle of the holidays would elude public notice, but they're so wrong. In fact, their dirty scheme and its supposed clever timing have only touched the hearts of people with conscience and common decency everywhere. Remember that the biblical narrative surrounding Christmas is a sad and horrifying one with a young weary family seeking shelter in a barnyard and with the king and his minions terrorizing families with young children. Not exactly the same but there are some similarities and paralells to today in occupied Fort Worth, Tarrant County.

  2. Spunky little Lizzy should get a temporary law license and help her daddy "smash" these bullies from out of town. When are the people going to wake up and clench their fists in defiance against the oppression by CHK and City?
