Thursday, December 10, 2009

Keep this in mind

Come election time.

Article in today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Perry urges EPA to back off plans to regulate carbon dioxide emissions.

"What Perry is doing, typically, is pandering to the polluters who are lining his pockets," Smith said.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant "would be a job killer" and added, "With double-digit unemployment the last thing Texas families, farmers, and small businesses need is yet another job-killing policy."

U.S. Rep. Kay Granger, R-Fort Worth, also opposes the new EPA policy, fearing that it would "stifle job growth and hurt critical industries in Texas," spokesman Matt Leffingwell said.

While we understand no one wants job loss in Texas, what good is a job if you can't breathe?

1 comment:

  1. Look on the bright side: lots of jobs for doctors, nurses, and other health/disability related professionals. Certainly there will be needs for more hospitals and insurance workers along with chaplains, hospice care, funeral services, etc. See how good things can be. So, just take a bunch of deep breaths and ...
