Wednesday, November 25, 2009


We are thankful for our friends on Carter Avenue! Cheers to their victory and spirit!

We are also thankful for those that play a part in trying to save our cities and protect our residents. It takes a village.

And last but certainly not least, we are thankful for Durango.

As soon as I turned off Beach Street on to Carter Avenue I saw flags, lots of American flags, in front of every home on Carter Avenue, then more flags when I turned left on Sanborn Street, flags all the way to Mother Nature on Scott Avenue, a monument that continues to weep over the damage done to the Tandy Hills by Chesapeake Energy.

Was this the people of Carter Avenue celebrating that the American Way had worked? That truth, justice and doing the right thing had prevailed. That they had used the power of their freedom of speech to let other Americans know about the threat being directed at Carter Avenue?

Following the American flags down Carter Avenue leads you to Mother Nature. That has to mean something...

And from his later posting about David and Goliath -

Using the greatest power an American has, the use of their free speech, the people of Carter Avenue fought back against Chesapeake Energy and the corrupted elected officials of the city they live in.

And won.

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!

Texas Lone Star

1 comment:

  1. Thanks everyone for giving--in words and in deed. This is very appropriate in terms of timimg and symbolism. IT IS WHAT AMERICA IS ALL ABOUT--A LIGHT SHINING IN THE WORLD (imperfect as it is). Be thankfull for the past, what we have in the present, and faithfully work to protect and preserve for the future SO THAT WE AND THE NEXT GENRATION CAN LOOK BACK WITH CLEAR HEARTS AND THANKFULLNESS. GOD BLESS THIS NATION AND HER PEOPLE.
