Let's set their truthfullness deficiency aside, this piece raises a question related to the Carter Ave. pipeline saga: the latest claim by Chesapeake (as unquestioningly reported by a certain reporter for the FW Startlegram on 10/16/09) is that the 16-inch (originally 24-inches and might be in some easement contracts) gas pipelines they want to shove under people's front yards will be bored/buried at least "130--that's three digits--feet under the surface of the ground" (from 20 feet deep--then 10-feet deep, and in many contracts "at least 36-inches benetath the surface"). If they are to be believed, will this boring depth affect the water aquifers/sheds? Any one out there have any info?--Scott Carter
Let's set their truthfullness deficiency aside, this piece raises a question related to the Carter Ave. pipeline saga: the latest claim by Chesapeake (as unquestioningly reported by a certain reporter for the FW Startlegram on 10/16/09) is that the 16-inch (originally 24-inches and might be in some easement contracts) gas pipelines they want to shove under people's front yards will be bored/buried at least "130--that's three digits--feet under the surface of the ground" (from 20 feet deep--then 10-feet deep, and in many contracts "at least 36-inches benetath the surface"). If they are to be believed, will this boring depth affect the water aquifers/sheds? Any one out there have any info?--Scott Carter