Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The Fort Worth City Council and Mayor Moncrief have finally decided to call for a report on what gas drilling is doing to our air.

Maybe they should've listened to the Gas Drilling Task Force, or the countless citizens that have been asking the same questions for years.

Again, another Texas woman, Chris Hawes from WFAA, leading the charge on this one with her Barnett Shale reporting.

Keep making noise! Elected officials have to listen to We The People, whether they want to or's just a matter of time.


  1. Look at the questions FW is asking:

    Who should be testing the air?

    What are other cities are doing to protect their citizens?

    Clearly they have an answer in mind for the first question: It should be the TCEQ, the TX RRC, the EPA, the PHMSA--anybody but private contractors hired by DISH and Deborah Rogers. This is a manipulation to denigrate the only available studies and to DELAY.

    And we know the answer to the last question: A hell of a lot more than Moncrief and his minions want to do for us. Further, they should be ashamed that they don't know the answer to that question.

  2. I am having a hard time understanding why we let Moncrief get away with this insincere nonsense. We all know that he refused to allow the gas drilling task force to look into ANY environmental concerns, and now we are well over a year behind the curve.

    So now what happens? More delay by instructing staff to look into what is already known.

    1. Who should be testing the environment? Ans: Anyone except our city or the industry.

    2. What are other cities doing? Ans: IT DOESN'T MATTER! Protect Fort Worth first and then worry about what others are doing. "That's the Fort Worth Way."

    3. How do we do that? Immediate moratorium on drilling within city limits.
