Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why YOU should care...

Why should you care if Chesapeake puts a pipeline on Carter Avenue in Fort Worth?

Because if it happens here, it can happen anywhere.

YOU could be next.

The gas company can show up and claim your yard. They'll offer you a small amount for it (IT being the loss of use, loss of value, loss of safety and security for the rest of your life) and if you say no? Then they will take you to court and take it by eminent domain.

Over a year ago the gas drillers showed up in their slick suits and shiny cars, on this beautiful tree lined street with its multi-cultural families and begin intimidating and bullying the residents into submission. Some residents on Carter have limited English skills. Some are disabled. Some are elderly. The gas company offered a minimal amount of money for their property, their safety and peace of mind.

One neighbor made a lot of noise and got some media attention. That neighbor got more money. Not enough, but what are your options really?

If you refused to sign you were told they will take you to court and sue you for your own property. They will get their way and you will get nothing. (Ever seen Grapes of Wrath? Durango has an excellent point, be sure and watch the video.) Think about this, how does a family making a small income hire an attorney to fight the biggest industry in the city? One that is IN with the city? Residents would need money for an attorney, time to take off work, transportation to and from court, child care and so forth. Since you have no choice, all you can do is sign, life as you once knew it is now over.

That leads us to the lone hold out. The one person still willing to say no, you cannot take my land, my home, my safety to pump gas down my street. An individual willing to stand up for what is right and just. This resident has appeared in court against the big industry alone. They have learned as much about the shady dealings of the industry as can be learned. They are also still being ignored by Fort Worth city leadership and, for the most part, metroplex media.

The reporters came in full force to the meeting on Carter last week, and after their 30 second sound bite on air, it was all but forgotten. This, even though the reporters the Lone Resident spoke with were shocked and disgusted by the deceptive tactics being used last week by the gas industry. The reporters also thought this issue had been laid to rest. It was, during the recent Fort Worth elections. The industry hoped no one was paying attention anymore. More people are paying attention than they think. All of us should be.

We are told that Chesapeake plans to lay the pipeline next month, even though they do not have the proper permits or permission from the Lone Resident hold out. Arrogant? They can afford to be. When you have unlimited resources and the backing of the Mayor and council, WHO is going to tell you no?

The residents of Fort Worth, that's WHO.

Stay tuned...


  1. What well summarized post. It sounds like there is a lot more to this controversy on Carter Ave. than the public has been led to believe. Texas Lone Star, you all might be able to show the local media a thing or two (or more) about journalism, which requires listening to people, asking questions, and then tell the whole story and the truth (after verifying the ingo and sources, of course). It appears that you all have spent some time building relationships and contacts with the people "on the ground" in this ongoing battle. Keep reporting their stories because the media has really fallen way short on this story. I hope that you'll tell more about the Lone "Star" (in my eyes, any way) on Carter Ave., Tx Lone Star because for one person to stand up to the might of Chesapeake and their city buddies for over a year now--and possibly is THE ONLY REALLY OBSTACLE to them getting their way--there must be stories and intriguing details that could and should be told. Either this person is totally bonkers, or there are things behind this that no one has reported or cared to check into. That's how abuses (child, elderly, lovers, etc.)are allowed to happen and continue. People who notice or suspect something unsual unwilling to take the time and effort just to check. Don't always count on the government and the authorities. Remember the recent and amazing story of the young girl held captive right in plain sight for most of her life? Let's not drop the ball on this case in our community. Please tell us more, so that we can learn from the Carter Ave. people. But more importantly, maybe we can offer them some help before it's too late. It seems like they've held on for so long that they might be too exhausted to fight, esp. morale-wise when no one seems to care or take them seriously. This sounds a little like the Alamo and we all know what happened at there when help didn't come in time.

  2. It aint right for you to exploit children. Leave them out of this adult issue. Thanks to the Barnett Shale, kids like them will have a good education and a better future with less dependence on foreign oil. Get your priorities straight!!!

  3. We would love to leave the children out of the issue, however this picture is of the children who live on Carter Avenue.

    If there is a pipeline explosion on their street, what will their futures look like then?

  4. Please check out the new Facebook page, STOP the Carter Avenue Pipeline.

    Mr./Ms. Anonymous: You are still living a myth. Until recently, most US nat. gas came from Canada, one our friends. These kids lives are endangered. They are victims of a greedy corporation, that is not unlike some of our foreign enemies. We have our priorities VERY straight.

  5. Y'all need to look at the big picture and quit being so self-centered. Drillers like CHK are investing lots of money and taking major financial risks to make our country have cleaner energy so these few kids on this dinky sounding street can have cleaner air to breathe while playing. Plus the pipelines are over a hundred feet below their houses and yards, anyway, according to media reports last week. Y'all are way overreacting to a pipeline that's not even in the ground yet. Give it a chance before you poo-poo all over it. Everybody gotta sacrifice something for the good of the whole country. Plus, why would the federal, state, and city government allow all these drilling-related activities if they are so dangerous? We gotta sacrifice, pull together, and have faith.

  6. I agree with Anonymous #1--the good for everybody outweighs the unproven concerns of a few. These kids' parents are probably getting paid good money from that gas drilling that you are complaining about. I don't see hardly anyone from Carter Ave. complaining much. What does that tell you?--Aubrey M.

  7. Skeptic says: this so called lone ranger might just be blowing smoke up your you know what. Never seen much reporting about them. Eminent domain is like a cannon, you can't resist it. That's what all the lawyers say, too. I'm not buying it until a lawyer like that one always interviewed (Jim somebody, on drilling task force, maybe) says that this can actually happen b/c that' the whole purpose of eminent domain--get the property quickly so the projects can start or else mucho dinero would be lost and wasted. Prove it to me, you lawyers.

  8. Aubrey - It tells us you haven't been to Carter Ave.
