Saturday, October 24, 2009

WHO said WHAT again?

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram article about the Carter Avenue pipeline does a good job at keeping up with WHO said WHAT.

Chesapeake told city officials and neighborhood residents last week that the department won’t allow the pipeline to run parallel to the highway because of safety concerns.

Chesapeake also said the pipeline couldn’t run north of I-30 because it would interfere with the Trinity River Vision redevelopment project.

Chesapeake announced last week that it wanted the City Council to approve a street crossing for the route in November and that construction would begin in December.

Maribel Chavez, Transportation Department district engineer, said Friday that the pipeline could run parallel to the freeway if Chesapeake met certain safety criteria.

"I never told them, 'No, you cannot be in the public right of way,’ " Chavez said.

J.D. Granger, executive director of the Trinity River Vision Authority, said his staff is working on an alternative route that would run north of the freeway near the river.

Company representatives said last week that other routes have technical problems, such as topography and a lack of construction space, that make it infeasible to build the pipeline parallel to the highway or the Trinity River Vision property.

Good job Fort Worth residents! Keep making noise and hold THEM accountable for what they say!


  1. The article makes it VERY CLEAR that CHK has been caught lying over and over again---or the TRV and TxDOT are lying. If I was a betting gal, I would put all my worldly possessions on the line that CHK is lying---AGAIN. They tried to cheat the poor people on Carter Ave. of their hard earned property and almost got away with it (with the helpful "people's government"). It seems that cheating and lying go together. And you know what they said about "birds of a feather.."?

  2. Let's just hook all these people up to to polygraph machines (or just string 'em ...nevermind) and compare the results of their answers. Somebody is not being truthfulf--that's a fact!!
