Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's your money

And they want it. All.

Read the entire article "Despite cost concerns, Fort Worth council signals Trinity Uptown support" from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram daily newspaper.

City Council members are concerned about some aspects of the $909 million plan to pay for the Trinity Uptown project. But it appears a majority of them will ultimately vote to approve the plan.

Wait, they are concerned, but going to do it anyway? Ask them why.

The Fort Worth City Council is one of several government agencies involved in funding the Trinity River project.

The price of the project jumped from $576 million in March to $909 million in July. The City Council is only funding $26.6 million of the project directly.

Where did we get $26.6 million? Aren't we $50 million short? How much does the TRV department/staff cost?

The Tarrant Regional Water District is expected to pay about $226 million to the independent Trinity River Vision Authority get the project started.

The Water District was created to reduce flooding and provide clean water supply.

The city is paying $765,000 this week to move its auto pound out of the way of the project, and it might have to pay to relocate the police and fire academy.

More things "in the way" of TRV.

"There are other costs to the taxpayers; it’s not $26.6 million," Zimmerman said. Moncrief said the city would likely have to pay those costs even if the Trinity River project weren’t built.


The Trinity River Vision is expected to cost $909 million. Here’s a breakdown of who pays what: $26.6 million: City of Fort Worth $11 million: Tarrant County $64.4 million: Tarrant Regional Water District $320 million: Tax increment finance district $487.8 million: Federal sources.

Do you pay Fort Worth taxes? Tarrant County taxes? Water District taxes? Federal taxes? Then you will be paying for TRV. All of it. What benefit will you receive?

Moncreif says it will take "political courage to move project forward". We think it would take it not to. Well, that and common sense.

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